WEBINAR: Making Stills Move – Final Cut Pro X for Photographers
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This webinar is the first in a series of webinars designed to get you up to speed with adding video to your creative toolkit. Lee discusses some of the fundamental concepts you need to understand when embarking on your new video-based journey. Upcoming webinars will cover topics such as creating cinematic slideshows, creating short movies, and more.
Lee Herbet was born in the Middle East, grew up in Africa. He has lived in Europe and New Zealand, and now calls Melbourne Australia home.
Lee spent 10 years working for Apple as a trainer. He now creates high-end corporate films through his own production company. And in his copious spare time, he runs popular workshops around the world teaching people about photography and video production.
Get in touch with Lee:
Website, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram.
URLs Lee mentioned in the webinar:
Ripple Training
Capturing Passion
FX Factory
Tascam DR40
Zoom H4n
Genustech ND Filters
Tiffen ND Filters
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Hi All,
Thanks for tuning in, there where a couple of questions I wanted to follow up on.
1:Something I forgot to talk about in regards to mixing frame rates of 25 and 30, is audio. This can cause issues if you’re mixing 25fps footage with 30fps footage as the timing will be slightly off. This won’t be a major issue if your interview is recorded at 25fps and your b-roll is at 30fps, but if you have lets say a conversation between two people and one angle is 25fps and the other is 30fps, this can cause issues with the way the audio will play back.
Whilst you can use features like optical flow to correct stutter caused by mixing formats, it’s a nightmare trying to fix audio sync issues.
So whilst there are solutions for delivering the final project, I really want to stress that when shooting your footage you want to stick to the same format, either multiples of 24fps, 25fps or 30fps.
2: I checked and double checked and at the moment you can’t open an iMovie project created on an iOS device on iMovie for the Mac. This feature was available, but was removed back in October of 2013. Apple at the time said that it would be coming back, but as of yet, it hasn’t. So you can start a project in iMovie on your Mac and move to FCPX with it, but you can’t start on your iPad or iPhone.
Hi there, just so nobody has to search for special software, old computers, legacy stuff and other such experiments: I think it wasn’t possible in the beginning, but there is absolutly no problem at all anymore with importing DV Tapes with fcpx (it’s possible with Quicktime too, if you dont have Final Cut). Shows up in the Import Window.
The only problem with a new computer could be to connect the tape reading device to it. But there are adapters (had no problem with a (I think Belkin) FW400 to FW800 Adapter to connect a DV camera. With the Apple FW800 to Thunderbolt I had some big problems, but regarding a different thing (harddisk, not tried to connect a camera). Still trying to figuere out what’s up with that.
Thanks AA,
I have not used DV tapes in so long I hadn’t tried this in ages and don’t actually have the gear anymore to test it 🙂
Thanks for letting us know about this.