WEBINAR REPLAY: Goal-Setting for the Ambitious Photographer

In this awesome Goal Setting, Consistency, and Collaboration Webinar, we’ll build your road map together, break down your goals into trackable milestones and create an easy-to-follow routine that keeps you on track each and every week. 
Learn how to set BIG GOALS, the type of goals that deliver results and feed into every part of your business. 
Learn how one targeted email, one phone call, or one message each week can completely transform your business, that’s the power of Opportunity Wednesdays.

By the end of this webinar, you’ll be able to…

  • Set big goals that feed your business
  • Prioritize your goals into each of the 8 essential areas of your business
  • Break those goals down into 90-day milestone goals
  • Reach out for opportunities each week, because most photographers don’t bother
  • Form an easy-to-follow consistency habit and see these simple steps transform your business.

Join Jeff Brown The Photographers’ Mentor and author of the best-selling “Ambitious Photographer’s Journal” as he shares his secret to successful goal setting and getting stuff done. He’ll give you the structure and resources you need to give your procrastination the kick up the backside it deserves and take your business to a whole new level. 

Consistency produces results but ONLY if you’re consistently doing the right stuff.!!

Work with Jeff: https://www.focusonmarketing.co.uk
Check out the workbook here: https://amzn.to/3GXsEKu

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