Street Focus 89: Q&A and Street Challenge
This week on Street Focus, my guest co-host is Susan Rosenberg Jones. Together we answer questions about promoting your street photography, how to put together a portfolio and more. Special thanks to Rob Wareham, Yuri Rasin, Bud James and Michael Schmitt for submitting your questions.
About my guest co-host, Susan Rosenberg Jones:
Susan Rosenberg Jones was born and raised in Boston, and moved to New York City in 1976. She holds a BS in Education from Lesley College. As a post grad, she enrolled in SVA as an undergrad (at the time, they did not offer an MFA program) and studied photography for two years.
In 1978, Susan began working at a lab in Manhattan as a custom black and white printer. She loved that job but quit when she became pregnant for fear of the chemicals. A few years later, she started working as a photo researcher for a stock photo agency, and began a long career in stock photography, licensing images to various publishing and advertising clients.
During her daughter’s growing up years, Susan photographed regularly, shooting chromes in those days because it was most convenient.
In 2008, Susan’s husband passed away after a long illness. She felt the need to photograph seriously again and purchased her first digital camera. Feeling rusty, she took a course at ICP just to re-connect with the camera controls and practice with editing software. Other Continuing Ed classes followed.
She worked on various portrait projects: women of a certain age, couples who’d been together for many years, and in 2011 began work on Building 1, a series about her neighbors in the apartment complex in Tribeca where she’d lived since 1984.
In 2012 she married her second husband, Joel. As a tangent to her photographs of her neighbors, she began shooting in her own home, and Joel was a willing subject. He was a bit skittish at first but he became more comfortable as she kept photographing. From this practice, Susan’s body of work, titled Second Time Around emerged.
Susan explores her feelings about growing older, family and community connections, through photography
She was on the show 2 years ago for episode 10. See more of her work on her website.
And the winners are….
The last challenge was all about shadows.
Susan picked a photograph by Yuri Rasin

Valerie picked a photograph by Sally Coggle

Both winners will receive an ebook of their choice form our friends at RockyNook.
Next street challenge: RAINY DAYS ON THE STREETS! Umbrellas, reflections, natural filters, puddles, etc… Post your best shot by JUNE 23 in the comment section below.
Picks of the week:
Susan's picks:
A book by Lynsey Addario It's What I Do
A book by Haley Morris Cafiero The Watchers
Valerie's pick:
Her favorite photo lab: WHCC
Valerie's Street Photography ebook is available for download!
Always nice to listen in on a discussion between two women making it happen in the photography world!! I especially liked the personal projects ideas and finding a way (making a way) to stay connected to your passion while still having a day job. Great conversation, ladies! Thank you!
Thanks for your continued support Kimberley!
Rainy in Manhattan !
Downpour in OshVegas!
When I saw the radar I headed downtown. My camera and I were soaked, but I had fun!
I love that you managed to get the woman mid run. I feel sorry for how wet you must have gotten
Yes Linus, I got soaked 🙂
I was a little worried about my X70. It is not weather sealed, but both my camera and survived! 🙂
Please contact me via
Rainy day in Istanbul. Galata Bridge. Fuji X100s
A bus stop in a rainy day – Pisa, Italy.
Rainy day in backstreets of Hull
New Haven, Connecticut.
Reflets dans l’eau disposées pour violoncelle (avec des excuses à Claude Debussy).
Kids playing in the rain at the Glasgow Riverside Museum
Rainy day in NYC (Park Ave.). Fujifilm XT1, xf16mm
On a transit bus during a rainy day in Zurich, Switzerland (evidently)
Nothing stands between a man and his coffee – Vancouver, BC
Wet and Windy Weymouth
So much fun – a day out when it supposed to be high temperatures in Portugal. I think I call this photo ‘happy face’. Thanx for your shows – they keep me shooting.
My first submission, I literally snapped this while running around in torrential rain in Sydney. I loved the conga line of umbrella toting university students lined up outside UTS.
waiting for the rain to stop, this afternoon in Paris
My contribution.
My Perfect Day
Paris in the rain
Soaked in Detroit, 6.16.2016
Please contact me at
Sunny going in a bar to hydrate after a very long climb, only to find this mix of rain and snow while exiting the bar. Unreal .
Looking doubly perplexed on Westminster Bridge.
I tried for a little while to capture someone framed by the London Eye and eventually my timing and patience paid off.
Rainy Days on the streets
Continuing to love the show Valerie.
Here’s my entry – Soggy solitude.
Raining hard in front of Target
Rain and precipitation have quickly become some of my favorite settings to shoot in. Here’s one of my favorite shots of a scene I caught right outside of the Flatiron building in NYC on my way to work! I had just barely pulled out my camera in time to capture this moment. Hope you like it!
Please contact Valerie at
This is Julie one of the regular Hereford parkrun volunteers. She is always cheerful- whatever the weather. She was carrying a couple of the other volunteer’s umbrellas while they did things (not a photo setup). Parkrun is a weekly timed 5km run at 9.00am Saturday open to all and I take photos at the event in Hereford, UK most weeks. Its a snap and not at all arty but I like it! I needed some joy on the day the UK voted to leave the EU.
Entries are closed. Thank you!