[smart_track_player url=”http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinphoto/p/content.blubrry.com/thisweekinphoto/Street_Focus_038_Street_Tips_with_Eric_Kim.mp3″ color=”6a1915″ title=”Street Tips with Eric Kim” artist=”Street Focus #38″ ]
Street Focus #38: Street Tips with Eric Kim
Eric Kim
Eric Kim is an international street photography educator currently based in Berkeley California. As an undergraduate at UCLA, he studied Sociology and combined it with his passion for photography to make statements about society through street photography.
In this episode, Eric will expend on his top 10 street tips:
Don't chimp.
Don't look at bad photos.
Don't spend time on gear review sites when you're bored.
Don't worry about your camera.
Don't shoot too many different photography genres.
Thanks Valerie and Kim for this great interview. Very helpfull tips and tricks. One tip i liked the most, buy books instead new gear. Last month i buy the book of a dutch streetphotographer called, Ed van der Elsken. Amsterdam. Very interesting. He also lived and photograph a short time in Paris. This book called ‘on the left bank’.
Cheers, Robert
Thanks for listening and for sharing your thoughts Robert!
Your welkome. In my first post i wrote Kim instead Erik. Sorry Erik.
Thanks for the love Robert! 🙂
Excellent interview: articulate, thoughtful, entertaining. Not just a regurgitation of tired clichés, but some original ideas and fresh looks at established principles.
I enjoyed Eric’s website, too, and while there was reminded of Lee Friedlander’s work.
I was concerned at first when Valérie first mentioned she was starting ‘Tips’ shows, since so often this is an excuse for not bothering to design a coherent episode, but this was a great start!
Thanks Valerie and Kim for this great interview. Very helpfull tips and tricks. One tip i liked the most, buy books instead new gear. Last month i buy the book of a dutch streetphotographer called, Ed van der Elsken. Amsterdam. Very interesting. He also lived and photograph a short time in Paris. This book called ‘on the left bank’.
Cheers, Robert
Thanks for listening and for sharing your thoughts Robert!
Your welkome. In my first post i wrote Kim instead Erik. Sorry Erik.
Thanks for the love Robert! 🙂
Excellent interview: articulate, thoughtful, entertaining. Not just a regurgitation of tired clichés, but some original ideas and fresh looks at established principles.
I enjoyed Eric’s website, too, and while there was reminded of Lee Friedlander’s work.
I was concerned at first when Valérie first mentioned she was starting ‘Tips’ shows, since so often this is an excuse for not bothering to design a coherent episode, but this was a great start!