In increasing numbers, photographers are adding video to their skillset and product offerings. But what to do with all that gorgeous footage once you’ve captured it?
In this webinar, Final Cut Pro expert Lee Herbet will give insight into how to easily add Final Cut power to your still photography toolkit. You'll discover how to add Hollywood-style techniques to your footage.
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About Lee Herbet
Lee Herbet has been teaching Final Cut Pro all over the world for over 15 years. He also teaches filmmaking for photographers and he is uniquely placed to explain video concepts to still photographers in straightforward and relatable ways.
Through his production company,, Lee and his team have helped some of the biggest brands in the world tell their stories. He’s a cinematographer with a passion for teaching photography/video and editing. He delivers workshops globally and writes for a number of online photography and video sites on topics ranging from product reviews to “how-to” articles.

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