Perfect Pixels

Image to impact with Oz John

Welcome back to TWiP GLAM!

Today we feature the work of Toronto based photographer, instructor, and artist, Oz John.  Oz came to the world of photography through a formal education in advertising, graphic design and art direction.  This is a powerful combination, bringing an artistic sense and skilled leadership to image creation.

Oz’s work stands out as an exposition of creativity with in a well controlled formal framework.  Gazing from image to image you will find a tremendous attention to detail from pixels to emotional punch. The deliberate intention of his work is evident from the posing of his subject to his choice of textures to the use of shadows and light.

With a portfolio stretching into editorial, portrait, fashion and advertising, Oz’s work is a joy to behold and a delight to interview!

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Below is the unedited (NSFW) version of the interview.



Oz John on Model Mayhem and his website
Brian Fischer on Model Mayhem
Roxanne Cali on Model Mayhem

Have an idea for an episode?

Do you know a photographer you think might make a good guest on our show? Maybe it's yourself?! Just use the form below to contact us. You, (or your suggestion) might just make it onto TWiP GLAM!

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