Your Itinerary 30: Out of Chicago with Chris Smith


Chris Smith is is definitely an authority on photographing the “Windy City”

6980963922_a4fb5e58d9_zI discovered Chris Smith's beautiful HDR images of downtown Chicago a few years ago, and he's been tearing it up since then! He is one of the founders of This photography blog is a wealth of information about photographing Chicago, post processing techniques and more. Chris and the other contributors to the site regularly host meetups, workshops and photo walks in Chicago.

Chris is also the author of the very popular Photographers Guide to Chicago. If you're planning a photo trip to Chicago you should definitely check it out!

Speaking of visiting Chicago… Chris is also the driving force behind the Out of Chicago Photography Conference. (I told you he's been busy!) This three-day event features classes and hands-on workshops with some really great photographers. This year's event will be June 26-28. Chris has generously offered my listeners a $100 discount on the conference as well! Just visit and use the discount code “TWiP”.

Check out Chris' beautiful work and head up to the conference if you can fit it into your schedule!

Chris Smith Links:

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