Your Itinerary 26: Better Photos with Joe Brady

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Travel Photo Tips with Joe Brady

Joe Brady PhotographyJoe Brady is a guy you’re probably familiar with. Joe has created over two hundred video tutorials for many different photography products and techniques. You can find Joe talking about everything from color management to off-camera flash to landscape photography.

I received messages from a few listeners requesting more travel photography tips on the show, and I knew Joe would be a wealth of information. There is a lot that goes into making great photos. It’s important to have a good handle on the basics of exposure and composition, but a working knowledge of other settings like metering, flash, etc. can make a big difference in your work.

I hope you enjoy the show and pick up some techniques you can use on your next photography trip.

Joe Brady Links:

Joe's YouTube Channel

I want to share another link with you this week… I have the privilege of working with the Salvando Corazones girls shelter and safe house in Costa Rica. Salvando Corazones offers a home and opportunities to girls who have been victims of sex trafficking.

My colleague Rick Gerrity and I are on our way to help the shelter start a photography therapy program to give the girls a creative outlet and another way work through their issues. As parents ourselves, Rick and I jumped at the chance to help the shelter in any way we could. Thank you Panasonic USA for donating cameras for the shelter, and thanks to our friends at the Leaves & Lizards Volcano Cabin Retreat for providing us with room and board.

Please take a moment to visit and have a look at the program. I would love it if you could join us in helping this great cause.

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