TWiP 485: Shoot First? Or Ask First?

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TWiP 485: Shoot First? Or Ask First?

The “Ask First” campaign gets tested when photographers attempt to photograph a public BDSM fair. We discuss the morality and legality of photographing public events.

Also, Sony unveils the A99II, the long awaited update to their flagship A99 DSLR. The A99 system is amazing, but considering the success of their A7 series of full-frame mirrorless cameras, What’s Sony’s play here?

And Fujifilm announces the GFX camera system. A medium format mirrorless camera that records 51.4 megapixels. Can Fuji extend its X series magic to the medium format world?

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  1. So, I am a little confused. Juan went all giddy at the fact that Sony can adapt just about any lens under the sun and gave this as a strength of the E mount system. As a photographer who adapts nothing but old film lenses on my a7 I completely understand this. But then for some reason when speaking of the new Fuji mirrorless MF camera he spoke somewhat negatively about the small lens selection currently and chided the fact that there probably wouldnt be a lot of third part lens makers stepping forward. Did he somehow forget about ALL the existing MF glass from other systems that can be adapted to use on the Fuji just like 35mm film lenses are on the Sonys? C’mon Juan 🙂
    If anyone would like to view my work with adapted lenses you may do so here.
    Thanks for another great podcast guys.

  2. According to the article, there was more to the “Ask First” movement. It started as a way to keep people from touching each other without permission. Yes, it did then expand into the photography issue. I suppose it is better than having someone request you delete images after you make the photograph.

  3. Discussion was way too light on the “Ask First” issue. It is very serious evidence of emerging of neo-neo-fascism (for the lack of a better established term) in our society and as such it must be fought strongly and not allowed any excuses. It also proves “slippery-slope” argument: in photography this have started as “security” where photographing of landmarks have been banned as well as “for the children” where police have been called AND ACTED to prevent photography in public places that some ones child have happened to be in. We must not be feeling as criminals for doing not only fully legal but Constitutionally protected photographing in public and this is what this types of actions call for, first morally, later inevitably by pushing legislating bodies to remove essential freedoms.
    And this is a part of more general neo-neo-fascist attack on the society, other examples being “safe spaces”, bans on fully free speech on public campuses, attacks on the journalists, … Sooner or later they’ll come for you.
    @MarkHarris – and no one has any right to request that you delete your images taken legally in public. You may not use them for commercial purposes but as art and/or as editorial/journalistic material they are protected speech. We must change our and public mindset to the one of asking police to remove anyone harassing photographers in public and demanding they delete images vs. current slippery slope in the exactly opposite direction.
    Finally, “emotional understanding” of people who start this types of actions [S.Francis good natured mindset] is what they pray on, it is how (neo-neo-)fascism corrupts exactly the best people. Study emergence of bad old fascism and you’ll find exactly this pattern up to a moment it becomes so powerful that it sheds “benefits” and “emotions” cloak.

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