TWiP #309 – New Yorkers – Exposed!


Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Dan Ablan, Tristan Hall, Valerie Jardin

Episode Overview

This week on TWiP, we're diving into several great stories including:

  • New Yorkers furious over photographs taken through windows
  • Special insert with Jack Reznicki on privacy
  • The beginning of the end for the compact P&S?
  • Be careful what you share – SnapChat photos not really deleted
  • An interview with Derrick Story on being the mobile photographer
  • Plus Listener Q&A and our Picks of the Week

Dan Ablan, Tristan Hall, and Valerie Jardin join Frederick to discuss these topics and more on this week's episode of TWiP.

Interview with Derrick Story

This week Frederick sits down with Derrick Story to talk about his new book ‘iPad for Digital Photographers‘ and about being the mobile photographer. You can learn more about Derrick by visiting his website


Transporter Giveaway

The fine folks over at Connected Data have given us another Transporter device to giveaway to one of our lucky listeners.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This episode is also brought to you by: Squarespace, the all­-in-­one platform that makes it fast and easy to create a professional website, blog, portfolio, and now…an online store! Check out their NEW commerce solution so you can start selling stuff immediately. For a free trial and 10% off your first purchase on new accounts, go to, and use offer code TWIP5.

Connect with Our Hosts & Guests:

Dan Ablan Website, Twitter or Facebook

Tristan Hall: Website, Twitter or Google+

Valerie Jardin: Website, Twitter, Facebook or Google+

Derrick Story: Website, Twitter or Google+

Jack Reznicki: Website, Twitter

Frederick Van Johnson: or or Google+


Pre-production by: Bruce Clarke

Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn & Vince Bauer

Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly

Intro Music by: Scott Cannizzaro


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    1. Thanks Andrzej. AP must have taken it offline. I’ll try to find another source and link to that instead.

  1. One point that should be brought up on the New York story, although it maybe legal in New York, California has its paparazzi laws. Most likely this activity would be consider illegal. So a major part of would depend what city you are in.

    As a photojournalist, I have to be blunt Frederick’s question about helping at a news scene is somewhat silly because in the real world that does not happen all that much for the most part, unless you are a trained professional rescue worker you will do more harm than good by getting in the way. Even moving an injured person can slightly can make the situation far worst.

    1. I was never good with “hypothetical” but I can raise that with reality, On my way into the paper I was working at I hear a police call that someone flipped there car on an overpass. I get there in time for the “Jaws of Life” prying open the car. The person driving the car was a friend. I got word to his family still got my photos in time for deadline. 🙂 I apologize for the term silly, I have been asked that before. In the real world unlikely. I would get help and my photos. I believe in doing no harm. Also no scene remains unchanged once observed.
      I might have second thought if they are a 49er fan, just kidding. I had the spot news, crime and sports beat for many years. So I am a little jaded.

      I hope you guys break a 1,000 episodes with the show.

  2. What I found most interesting is the discussion on the decline of the
    point and shoot. This has been a topic of discussion on TWiP in previous
    shows but I think this is the first time it delved into the idea that
    the DSLR is dying or on the way out. I for one think the DSLR is a dying

    Here’s why: with full frame mirrorless cameras rivaling DSLRs
    for technical image quality, it is only a matter of time. Digital Single
    Lens Reflex is the description of the mechanics inside the camera body –
    it is not a form factor or a family of lenses. What I think the panel
    failed to envision is a mirrorless camera with a similar form factor to
    today’s DSLR, a Canon or Nikon lens mount, and an electronic viewfinder.
    Being able to see the effects of aperture/ISO in the viewfinder (at
    least for continuous lighting) is a benefit that most photographers have
    yet to appreciate (See Kirk Tuck over at the Visual Science Lab for
    more details on why this is such a game changer). Admittedly Frederick
    has said that he has experienced this with the OM-D. Additionally
    without the added vibration and moving parts that a constantly flipping
    up and down mirror provides, one could achieve higher frame rates and
    arguably better image stabilization.

    There is no rational reason to have
    a mirror in the camera. I am a little surprised that Tristan, being the
    token Sony guy, did not talk about these benefits. Maybe Frederick
    should go rent a Sony a99 with a couple of Zeiss lenses to get a glimpse
    of the future.

  3. I have a problem downloading the podcast #309 via itunes – tried it several times and always err 35 occured…
    Am I the only one? I deleted and re-loaded #308 which was fine. Can you help? Anyone an idea?

  4. I am an avid listener to the TWIP podcast every week. I am a keen amateur photographer working for Agfa A.G. I would like to take a small issue with the comments in this
    podcast regarding the demise of the Compact/Point and Shoot cameras. There seemed to be a general consensus among your guests that these types of cameras will be going away in favor of phone cameras such as iPhone and Android. I have an iPhone5 and an iPad. I have a Nikon D700 and Nikon fast glass, along with a Panasonic LX5. One of the cameras I also own is a Canon S100 which I use as a genuine pocket camera that shoots RAW. Unless the photo I am taking with the iPhone has perfect lighting conditions the Quality of the photo from the iPhone compared to the S100 is terrible, and don’t even think of indoors/low light. Plus everything is JPG format. The sensor in the iPhone is smaller than the S100 and the results show that. Why any photographer wanting to take good photos would use an iPhone is beyond me. The only time that I would ever use the iPhone to take a photo would probably be if I was involved in a traffic accident and needed to show photos to the insurance company. If these cameras do go away, I will be glad I’ve kept my Canon S100 because for a Compact camera, the photos are excellent.

    p.s. I have also just purchased Derrick Story’s eBook, iPad for Digital Photographers and it is great.

    Regards, Derrick Stilwell

  5. I love Tristan’s accent! I used to work with a lady from S. Africa who lived in NZ, she had a very unique accent and I loved it. I can recognize a South African accent almost anywhere now. Love it, have him on more often just so we can hear his voice!

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