TWiP #166 – Photographers are Not Terrorists

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On this episode of TWiP, the TSA thinks photographers are terrorists, Olan Mills gets milked, Nikon introduces a powerful point and shoot, and Frederick interviews Mikkel Aaland.

Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Derrick Story, and Joseph Linaschke.


TSA Publishes New Posters Depicting Photographers as Terrorists
The war on photography adds yet another chapter to the story as the Transportation and Safety Association have released new posters as part of a campaign to raise awareness of suspicious activity around the countries airports. The posters depict a photographer dressed in a hoodie, standing outside an airport, photographing planes with a long lens and encourages the public to report any suspicious activity.

Olan Mills To Pay $3 Million in Labor Settlement
Tennessee based portrait photography studio Olan Mills,  will be forced to pay $3 million dollars in a class action law suit that was filed by 18 former employees. Employees of the ‘fast-food' style portrait studio alleged that the company forced them to work overtime without pay and did not compensate them for out of pocket expenses required to perform their duties. Joseph thinks that they are filling a need or they wouldn't be in business but isn't a big fan of these type of companies. Derrick thinks that for people working for Olan Mills, the experience of working with people is valuable even though it's a cookie cutter position.

Nikon Announces the 10.1 MP P7000
The latest camera from Nikon  features an  f2.8 lens with ED glass and a 10.1 megapixel sensor. It can shoot RAW but it is a reduced RAW format called NRW. Compared with the P6000, it does not have GPS and features less mega pixels but that means that it should have less noise at higher ISOs. It can shoot 720p video and features an external mic jack. Both Joseph and Derrick are sad to see the GPS feature taken out of this camera as they both use GPS data in their photography.


This week, Frederick had a chance to sit down with photographer Mikkel Aaland to discuss photography, post processing tools, and talk about his time with Ansel Adams. If you would like to learn more about Mikkel, you can follow him on Twitter or visit his website at


QUESTION #1: Listener HutchPhoto wants to know: My photography is starting to pick up and I'm at the stage where I need to organize my work flow when I'm on a project i.e: create some kind of job sheet. I'm currently scribbling notes in my pad or on scraps of paper (job requirements, what, where & who to shoot, what kit I'm going to bring for the shoot which is fine for now, but I was wondering: Is there some kind of template form photographers use? Like a job description sheet? Can anyone point me in the right direction or post a link or copy? Of course I could be just over thinking this but if there are pre made forms that that I could customise to help be more organized, then please let me know.

Derrick: I'm sure there are but I didn't find any that I liked. I would suggest creating your own based on your own experience and make sure you address things that occur before the shoot, during the shoot, and after the shoot. This would include things like getting your gear ready and making sure you have all your logistics ready. Talk to your client and find out what they want and then get their sign off. Then bring that with you on the shoot and integrate it into the shoot.

QUESTION #2: From Listener Thomas Blampied: A week ago, I noticed that a speck of dust has become lodged on the focusing screen of my Rebel XSi – right between two focusing points. Unfortunately, I decided to try and remove it and now there are multiple pieces of dust and lint stuck! It doesn't affect the photos, obviously, but I am finding it really annoying. I've read many reports of this online and it looks like I am stuck with it unless I send it back to Canon. A camera shop in Toronto, Vistek, say that they will clean the focusing screen as part of a CCD cleaning so I will probably try there. Any other suggestions, or should I stop before I make it worse?

Joseph: Yes, I would stop messing around with it. Although most DSLRs have a removable focusing screen that you can remove and clean, you might be better taking it into the professionals and let them take care of it. Derrick suggests taking a blower bulb with you and using it to blow out the back of your lens before attaching it to the body as this tends to be where a lot of that dust comes from. Joseph also points out to try and keep your lens caps clean too as those often wind up being shoved in pockets and pick up lint and dust.

QUESTION #3: Listener Richard Thorkildson asks: I am planning a trip to Alaska in December [ shooting the Northern Lights, etc.. ] Are the any tips and or advice in regards to Nikon safety and / or maybe a few tips on shooting?

Derrick: His biggest challenge will likely be nature as Alaska isn't known as a dangerous place. That being said, it's generally a good idea to keep your bag close when traveling. In terms of choice of bag, I really like the bags you don't have to take off to get to your gear. The Lowepro Flipside and Slingshot bags are great for this. The Versapack and the Fastpack are also great bags that allow you to access your gear while your bag is still on you. Another great shoulder bag to check out is the Lowepro Classified 160 AW which can hold an iPad as well as a body with a few lenses.

Joseph: I like the Classified Sling 200 and the ProRunner 450. I haven't photographed the Northern Lights before but I would imagine he's going to be working with fairly long exposures. That means he'll need to be shooting on a tripod and I would recommend a cable release so you're not pushing on the camera itself. Bring a flashlight with a red filter so that you can see what you need to see and it doesn't affect your night vision. We touched on a number of cold weather shooting tips in TWiP #164 so be sure to listen to that episode and review the show notes for that episode.



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Show notes by Bruce Clarke at or

Producer: Suzanne Llewellyn

Bandwidth provided by Cachefly. Intro Music by Scott Cannizzaro


  1. Gentlemen, great episode as always..Continue to come away with a few pearls each week to improve my photography. Thanks again!!!

  2. Agree with ham999 on the great episode comment. I wanna win that Canon Coffee mug por favor. Thanks!

  3. Great show as always!!! Not regretting getting Lr 3… amazing product. I would most certainly love to win the Canon mug… Everything is better in a 70-200 f2.8L — tasty!

  4. Awesome episode (as usual). Loved the interview with Mikel Aaland! I wanna win the Canon coffee mug. Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

  5. Please add me to the contest for the mug.

    Also, what happened to the weekly challenges? I’m a new DSLR owner looking forward to participating.

  6. Hi Guys!

    Great show – i’ve been listening for a couple years and it’s getting better all the time.

    Looking forward to your P7000 vs G12 hands on & discussion, as well as discussion on the D7000 on a future show.

    Put me in for the contest! Thanks 🙂

  7. Great show! I’m waiting to hear what you have to say about Photokina, when it ends.
    Also: I want to win!

  8. Great show! I’d love to win one of the mugs (Canon preferably). I saw them a few weeks ago and added them to my wish list. It would be prefect for drinking tea.

  9. Hi Frederick, interesting show, I’m always learning. Please put me down for the Canon 70-200mm mug please. Thx!

  10. I would love to win a Nikon Cup….
    When I go to Alaska to shoot the Northern Lights, this cup would be an awesome addition for my gear……

    P.S. show # 164 was really helpful on cold weather shooting…..

    Thank You…..

  11. Great show, as usual!
    I would be happy to win a coffee mug. I think it would greatly increase my vision’s depth of field in the mornings…

  12. Great show!, I would LOVE to win! I’ll keep the Canon and I already have a friend that wants the Nikon one. See we can ALL JUST GET ALONG:)

  13. Another great show guys. I would love to get my hands on the Nikon Thermos bottle as I’m sure the Nano Crystal Coating on the classic ED glass will produce a superior insulating vacuum. It will be something I can rely on to keep my coffee piping hot all day!

  14. yes please.. i would love a lens mug please..

    I have a couple of questions for the next show if i might.. both are not gear related.. i know right! shocking! 🙂

    a) Do you gentlemen have any tips on posing subjects.. what are the cardinal sins of posing people.. what are some unique tips you can share?


    b)Any tips on finding aspiring model types to work for folio shots? and what is the etiquette regarding this kind of deal?

    Many many thanks.. absolutely LOVE the show..

    Mozzie from Melbourne (Australia)

  15. OH.. i also had another question… (and it was the Canon mug i was after BTW)

    I use Canon and Lightroom.. and I am a windows user aswell.. I kind of feel like i am incredibly uncool.. or I am made to feel that way by a lot of the popular culture..

    I was wondering if, in your experiences, Canon or Nikon users generally side with one or another of the processing suits. I guess what I am saying is.. I’d love to see a survey with four options:
    1 Canon & Lightroom
    2 Canon & Apeture
    3 Nikon and Lightroom
    4 Nikon and Apeture

    Results might be interesting.. see if there is a slant either way.

    thanks again

  16. Great show! And of course I would also very much like to win one of those groovy lens mugs.

    And @mozzie71: great idea for a survey. I’m a Canon user and I use Lightroom. Very curious to see the outcome of such a survey.

    Take care y’all!

  17. haha thats funny, its the first time I saw 66 comments. I usually am the only to comment or theres like 2 or 3 comments, I didnt know why till the end and Fredrik launch the contest.
    Anyway good, show. I dont think I can enter the contest coz Im international, but, bgood, it worked. 66 comments from 3, thats a good riase

  18. If I win (and I’ll be really shocked if I do), Canon please.

    Great show. I love learning from you all!!!

  19. Yet another great show!! I take a Nikon mug please.

    Would also love to hear a show on iPad workflows and photo apps for the iPad.

  20. I would like to win. I shoot Pentax mostly, but this would give me a great reason to finally switch over. Love listening to the show.

  21. I wouldn’t say no to the Canon mug.
    The Nikon mug might be a bit too disconcerting for the Canon folk I meet, and I’d probably turn it the wrong way anyway!

  22. Great show! I especially liked the tip about the red filter on the flash light. I’d seen that in movies and TV but never understood what it was for.

    And yes, I’d love to win the coffee mug. I drink Nikon, but I’m sure Canon tastes just as good!

    Question: If these are based on zoom lenses, do they resize from medium java to large and XL? LOL!

  23. I’m a nikon user. This 70-200mm coffee mug is probably to closest thing that I can own next to the real one… so please let me win guys. Also, I saw the photo and it has a pretty narrow base, does it have a VR to prevent me from spilling coffee into my computer?

  24. I wonder if HutchPhoto has tried the iPad app Second Shooter. It is very comprehensive and has pre- made lists you can customise. BTW I want to win that Nikon mug so who do I have to kill or sleep with. Thanks.

  25. I wanna win! I love the podcast and the new TWIP site. Would love one of the Nikon mugs to help feed my photo addiction.

  26. I WANNA WIN (cuz that’s what winners do!)!! Love the podcast BTW, Frederick you are a scream!!!

  27. I agree with Derrick’s choice of the iPad Connector Kit.  It has even more tricks up it’s sleeve than you mentioned.  Firstly, if you have captured your RAW files off your DSLR the photo previews will be accessible to apps.  Plastic Bullet for your 5D mk2. You got it.

    The Usb part of the kit will also let you attach other things than cameras.  For example attach a Usb mic like the Blue Yeti and you have a high quality audio recorder.

    PS.  My favourite brand of coffee is EOS

  28. Derrick and Frederick: about the camera kit + iPad bag question, what about the Lowepro Passport Sling? I just received mine, and I think it’s a keeper.

    It has a built-in padded camera box and a small but expandable open space for non-camera stuff. The camera box can easily accommodate my camera kit – E-P1 with lens + 3 lenses + flash + tabletop tripod – but I’m sure I’m sure it can accommodate a Nikon or Canon DSLR with a lens on it+ a second lens no problem. The open space, when expanded, swallows an iPad with a good protective case, all necessary cords and chargers, iPad camera connection kit, and large headphones, with plenty of space to spare. Sure, it doesn’t have any specific protection for the iPad, but neither does the Classified 160 that Derrick suggested. The Passport, unlike the Classified 160, can accommodate an iPad with a good protective case (like the Marware Eco-Vue).

    It’s the best travel/urban walkabout solution I’ve found yet for my needs. It doesn’t look at all like a camera bag but works great as one, with easy and discreet access to the camera; it’s small enough to be a carryon personal item; it can accommodate a small camera kit, iPad, and other travel essentials; it can collapse when all I’m carrying is the camera; and has a pocket for a decent sized water bottle: very useful when out and about. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re traveling with a smaller kit.

    And I’d love a mug, either one.

  29. I would love to win the Canon Lens Mug. I will clean it myself – night and day. I neither care if I go blind nor anyone sees my doing it !!

    Sydney Tran

  30. Great show as always guys – I’d be happy with either cup, but to quote Derrick Story “I only drink Canon”. Happy Shooting 🙂

  31. Thanks for the weekly company on the commute to work and back.

    I would love a coffee mug, the white EF model would be my preference.

  32. I’d love a Nikon flask! If you’re interested, I’ll tell you why, as an FX user (never a DX), I actually considered getting a DX body! I listen to your every show!

  33. The Nikon mug is awesome! I want one. I bet it won’t break when you drop it like the real one does!!!

  34. I would also love one of those mugs!

    I shoot Canon, but it might be better to have the opposite brand mug; then you won’t ever try to mount it on your camera or pour coffee into your real lens by accident!

  35. I Wanna Win, However I do live in Canada.

    I vaguely remember contests on TWIP about 100+ weeks ago excluding people outside of the U.S. No beef if I can’t win, Didn’t hear anything about restrictions for this contest. Maybe it was a Scott Bourne thing previously.

    signed… poor grad student who drinks a lot of coffee

  36. OMG! I would love to have one of these!! I’m a Nikon shooter and own a ‘real’ 70-200mm f/2.8, so I’d love to have the thermos version of that lens. But honestly, I would also be grateful for the Canon version as well.

    Keep up the great podcast! #166 was one of the best shows in recent memory!


    1. I’ll send you a pic of the Nikon mug next to my new D7000 if you draw my name. Great show Fredrick, keep it up !

  37. MMMMMMM… I bet coffee tastes even better when it comes in a Nikon lens; if I’m lucky, maybe I will find out!

  38. I want one of those mugs so bad! I’m from New Zealand and could not get them there and I know live in Portland Oregon. Love the show guys!!! been listening for over a year!
    I wanna WIN

  39. Oooh. I’ve seen the cheapie versions on focalprice but these look much better. Putting my hand up for one as well – don’t really mind which! I have a Nikon but am brand agnostic. Like my cameras, my coffee cup is just a tool that helps me take pictures… 😉

  40. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people
    – V for Vendetta

  41. I think I am going to make this into a T-shirt
    Photographers should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their Photographers.

  42. I too want a Canon Thermos. Next to my wife of 50 years, it would be a prized edition to my camera equipment. Thanks

  43. I’d love to win the canon mug. Also, whoever it is at homeland security that keeps pushing this idea that terrorists go out and photograph their targets is ridiculous i’m not aware of a single major attack where they actually found evidence of photo recon.

  44. Yep, my coffee would definitely taste better out of a lens. I shoot Canon, but I an mot picky, either one would suit me fine. Oh, and thanks for the TWIP Show!

  45. Freedom isn’t free, but some people allow their paranoia to overwhelm them. It’s time for a reality check. Oh yea, I’ll take Nikon please. Thank you.

  46. -Good show !
    If you had a Leica cup for cappuccino, otherwise I’d be fine with a Nikon, with milk -no sugar… 😉



  48. Where is the lobby for photographers to step up for our rights? it seems like there’s a lobby for every one else.
    If selected Canon would be my 1st choice.
    Love the show.

  49. I find the issue of photographers = terrorist to be scary at one level. To me it says that governments are doing the very thing they are against, i.e., they do it to spy or terrorize other countries so they assume others are doing it to their own country. Of course, the ones making the rules / ads are clueless what is really being done, just they have been told vague scary stories and make up what seems reasonable to them, even if silly in the long run.

    Mug give away is cool, thanks for doing it.

  50. I’ve got a toddler now and a baby on the way. Coffee is my friend. I’d love to drink it out of a nikon mug!

  51. Great Episode!

    I would like a mug as well…
    initially, I thought I might go with a Canon mug, as it would prevent any early morning disasters when I poured a hot beverage on my *real* lens, but Nikon please. I bet the Canon one leaks (just kidding!)

  52. I love TWiP as my weekly dose of photo news and inspiration.

    Canon would rock, but I would happily accept a Nikon!

  53. Fred,
    Keep it up. What is Steve Simon up to…hasn’t been on in a while.
    Nikon mug would be awesome!

  54. I really like the web site and I’ve listened weekly from the beginning. But wanting a Nikon mug is what it took to get me to register!

  55. Yeah, so i listen to the podcast weekly, but really, the mug is awesome! Either one, unless you get a Sony mug:)

  56. Love the podcast. I look forward to it every week. Keep up the good work… P.S. I’d love a canon mug……

  57. I am glad I found your podcast. I have enjoyed all of them. Just wish they were more frequent. Keep up the good show.

    Canon shooter and coffee drinker.

  58. Just finished listening to your complete back catalog and love the Show. Keep up the great content and interesting interviews.

    I’ve recently taken a new shine to photography and you guys have just made the light brighter, Thanks!

    Oh Canon mug would be great also 🙂

  59. I’d love a Nikon mug please.

    …and before drinking, I promise to always remember to “take that lens cap off”!!

  60. Love the show guy’s……

    Cannon is a great manufacture, would love to show my support by drinking from the Cannon cup of life

  61. I just found your podcast and am enjoying it immensely.

    I’d love to have the Canon cup if it’s still available.

  62. Thanks for all your hard work on the show, I know it is tough to stay upbeat and positive all the time! Keep up the great work!

    PS I am a Nikon junkie!

  63. Thanks for the show, it is a pleasure to listen to each and every week. I would love the Nikon cup if it is still up for grabs.

  64. I LOVE this podcast (I have recently finished listening to every episode and now have the full history!) and I LOVE the canon zoom lens mugs. And I would LOVE to win one!

  65. Maybe the photographer in the TSA poster is intended to be a symbol for anyone doing something apparently innocuous but possibly sinister.
    BTW – Would be glad to get a Nikon thermos cup.

  66. Hi TWIP, I like your show and I learn a lot from you.

    I will love a Nikon mug. I just bought my first telephoto lens Nikon 70-300mm F3,5-5,6. I know is not F2,8 but I do not have that money.

    I will suggest making a segment or a new show more related to composition, lighting, creating ideas and leave the gear topic.
    Or you could insert in the Photography Missions segment in which you comment in more details why you select that photo.
    The lighting and the settings used to capture it. That is the subject and how it is express in the photo.

    All the good stuff that you can’t get from the gear and it need to come from inside every good photographer.

  67. TWIP is a great resource and provides real-time “training” while enhancing my drive to work!

    TSA is a bit overboard; Perhaps a laser pointer velcro’d on the lens would cause more concern….or from a photography slant could be the caption “when depth of field is important…you never know who will be watching you…”

    Oh, the mugs are great and I’d love to be a proud owner of one! Perhaps a future model will be for 1-shot of espresso based on a Minox….

  68. I am interested in the Nikon mug.
    I have been catching up on my TWIP episodes as I am way behind.


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