Street Focus 92: Small Town Street Photography

[smart_track_player url=”″ title= “Small Town Street Photography” artist=”Street Focus 92″ ] Street Focus 92: Small Town Street Photography

This week on Street Focus my guests and I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a street photographer in a small town. Ken Lyons from Kapunda, Southern Australia and Monty Montgomery from Oshkosh, Wisconsin share their stories.

Monty MontgomeryWebsite

Photography has been a part off my life since I can remember. When in the 5th grade my parents gave me a Polaroid Swinger, a black and white instant camera. After high school and my first SLR, things really took off. Some black and white, a little dark room work, but mostly slide film. I welcomed digital photography with open arms, computers and photography a perfect match! As my photography evolved, I found myself on the streets of Oshkosh photographing and interacting with people I may never see again! Today I’m happy to call myself a street photographer.

Ken LyonsWebsite

Ken is a photographer living in rural South Australia. He's also a qualified tour guide. Although he has been photographing his entire life, Ken has only taken up full time photography in recent years. He loves to teach and has a relaxed approach. An experienced traveller, Ken loves making images that tell a location's story – the place, the people and the culture. He believes interesting images can be made anywhere from your own back yard to exotic overseas locations. Teaching people to actually “see” what they're looking at is something he loves to do. Photography is not just about pressing a button. It's also about vision. Learning to look, see and capture, no matter what camera you're using.


  1. #92: Valerie, This was a great show with great guests. I can relate to their challenges/limitations of street photography in a small town. Great photos and comments. Thanks for this episode.

    1. It was a fun show to record… there are certainly challenges for everyone, no matter what size town you live in. Sometimes you just need to plan a little more 🙂

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