Street Focus 61: Q&A and Street Challenge

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Q&A and Street Challenge” artist=”Street Focus 61″ ] Street Focus 61: Q&A and Street Challenge


This week my guest co-host Marius Vieth and I discuss how to develop a style and how to get in the zone.

A few words about Marius:

Marius Vieth is a 21 times award winning fine art photographer focused on street photography from Germany who’s based in Amsterdam. He travels around the world to capture golden moments and manages his own international Fine Arts Label NEOPRIME. Besides that, he offers private coaching, has written 5 books about street photography and creativity, he works as a judge for contests, pours his heart and soul into his YouTube Channel and he’s the publisher and curator of his own premium print photography magazine “NEOPRIME Contemporary Fine Art Photography”.

His website
His YouTube Channel
NEOPRIME Print Magazine
NEOPRIME Fine Arts Label

Pick of the Week:

It's not about the F-Stop by Jay Maisel published by New Riders/Peachpit

And the winners are….

Steve Morin

©Steve Morin
©Steve Morin


Laurent Gauthier

©Laurent Gauthier
©Laurent Gauthier

Both winners will receive an e-book of their choice thanks to our friends at Rocky Nook.

NEW Street Challenge: ABSTRACT in the streets. Listen to the show to hear some tips from Marius and Valerie. Enter you best shot in the comment section below by December 10. The winners will each receive a copy of Neoprime Magazine

Examples of abstract street photography by Marius Vieth and Valerie Jardin:

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  1. Thank you for your kind words about my photo! It took a good number of attempts to end up with the one I submitted. Keep up the great work on the podcasts!

    1. Thank you for entering the last challenge Steve! I hope you received the ebook of your choice from RockyNook!

    2. Yes, I received the book yesterday – much appreciated!! Please drop me a line if you ever happen to be in Tokyo!

    3. Congrats Steve,
      Your picture is great ! Also all your website (specially the street chapter, of course !) Honored to have one of my pictures side by side with yours.

    4. Thank you Laurent – likewise, I am very fond of your atmospheric image! It’s a wonderful time to be a photographer : )

  2. Great show as usual
    Love Marius attitude towards photography …very inspiring for a new late starter like myself

  3. Thank you so much Valerie.
    It was the first time I tried panning. Like steve Morin it takes several attemps ! I think I will use it often now !
    I would like to join you with your nice words at the beginning of the episode; I also would like to thanks all the photographic community and all the people around the world for the support for Paris and parisians, it really warms the heart !
    Merci à tous, Peace !

    1. I forgot to say that I really enjoyed this episode. I discover Marius Vieth who is a very talented and inspiring photographer.

  4. Hello, here is my attempt (no, not an intentional rip on previous challenge or its winners): I went in search of a blank canvas background and waited for the Life to provide some motion and paint in front of it.
    Tried few locations for “blank” canvas and and found this one with already existing horizontal/vertical linear features as a good contrast to life flowing by (expecting it to have smooth and fluid lines).
    Life indeed brought by such things like a pink VW Beetle, rushing ambulance and some colorful people, but none of the images have had that “oomph” I wanted until a cyclist went by (maybe I am biased as an avid cyclist,…).
    I’ll call it “Geometry of Life”.

  5. Thanks to both of you, Valerie and Marius, for another inspiring episode of Street Focus. You mentioned that you sometimes set the camera on manual when looking at abstracts… once you have done that, do you just play around with shutter and aperture or do you have preferred settings?

    1. Keith, I received your email but your mailbox appears full and doesn’t accept messages. Please email me your mailing address. Marius picked your entry as his winning shot and would like to send you a copy of his magazine Neoprime. Thanks!

  6. This was a really good discussion and I enjoyed the episode a lot, but I felt slightly disappointed Valerie didn’t pick up on Marius’ advocacy of detailed post-processing of his street images. That goes against a lot of what Valerie espouses, eh!
    Most street images of mine only get fairly brief editing, but not that rarely I’ll do a lot of work on a raw: it depends on the image and what I see in it.

    1. Haha! To each his own and Marius’ work is very distinctive in part due to his color processing. I don’t spend much time in LR first because I like simple and second for lack of skills in post processing 😉

  7. I found this episode exceptionally inspiring. The creative approach Marius takes to his photography is very liberating. Thank you both for an entertaining and informative show!! I’m not sure if this qualifies as ‘abstract’, and I think I will continue to look for shots, and may change my entry.

  8. Here is my Abstract entry – This was taken in Birmingham(UK) outside New Street train station which is clad in a wonderful reflective coating. The cladding has some interesting angles and curves and in this one part the top and bottom sections reflect the buildings across the street while the middle section is angled down to reflect the street below. I waited in a doorway across the street and waited for someone to walk into that part of the road. As it happens some guys working on the station walked into the frame to get me this shot. The photo was taken with the fuji x-e2 set in Jpeg mode with the 18mm prime.

  9. I enjoyed your conversation with Marius. This was taken in Brooklyn, New York. Jane’s Carousel with Brooklyn Bridge reflection.

  10. I also enjoyed the discussion. Thank you for your great podcast.

    Here’s my contribution to the contest.

    Photo taken in the English Garden in Munich, Germany.

  11. Hi, guys!

    The name’s Jules, and I’m new here (both to the podcast and street photography in general).

    Here’s my entry for the contest: BIRD’S EYE VIEW

  12. Hi, guys!

    I’m new here (both to the podcast and street photography in general).

    Here’s my entry for the contest: BIRD’S EYE VIEW

  13. Hi Valerie and Marius, I enjoy your discussion. Here is my contribution to Abstract street challenge.
    I took my photo in Prague. Titled: Rainbowy Charles bridge. Thanks.

  14. Hi Valerie (& Marius) – Enjoyed your recent podcast – here’s my entry for the Abstract Street Challenge. This was taken on the Millennium footbridge across the River Thames, in London, on a very dull day, with St Paul’s Cathedral in the background.
    Fujifilm X-T1, 18-55 mm lens & zoomed whilst taking a 1 second exposure (at f22 & ISO 200)

  15. Thanks for this challenge, Valerie and Marius – it has been fun to notice my environment with a different purpose. This abstraction is a shop window in Gastown – Vancouver.

  16. Hi Valerie and everyone! I’m quite new to the podcast which I am really enjoying and it has helped me so much already. I generally shoot film so I’ve not participated in the challenges before but I was bored at the time and this was shot with my iPhone. I was waiting around in the midst of Christmas shopping in Glasgow, Scotland and I was looking for things that might enable abstraction so here’s my entry!

  17. Just starting to get some focus in my photography I give it a go with this challenge. The podcasts are a great way to get inspired so thanks for that – Valerie.

    My abstract photo is taken during the Semi de Paris from this year. Hope you like it, Maurice


    We’re used to seeing the moon dominate the sky, with the stars mere pin-holes in the curtain of night. I thought this shot I took in Cardiff early this morning may through a bit of an abstract twist on the perspective.

  19. Hi, both

    here is my entry for the ABSTRACT challenge – MOON AND STARS.

    We’re used to seeing the moon dominate the sky, with the stars mere pin-pricks of light. I thought this shot, taken this morning in Cardiff, might put an abstract twist on the perspective.

    P.S. I hope this post sticks – for some reason, my entries keep getting removed as spam(?)

    1. Sorry about that Wolfgang! I’m not in charge of monitoring the posts. Please let me know if that happens again. Thank you for your persistence!

  20. Hi Valerie… enjoy the show regularly. My abstract “Jetstream”, looked up yesterday walking through Dublin, spotted this after listening to your show.

  21. Hey Valerie and Marius,

    thanks for the great show. I love the positive spirit you both transport. Thanks for inspiring me a lot.
    Here is my ‘abstract’ picture:

  22. Street challenge submission. Chinese dumplings, Beijing street food vendor. Color Efex style.

  23. Bonjour Valerie, I really enjoy the podcasts, great tips and stories – always a pleasure to listen to. It’s not quite “street” but here is my abstract photo for this challenge. Cheers

  24. Here is my entry for the Abstract challenge – I used a small point and shoot, there were mirrors all around, the light was low and I actually like the noise that was caused by this. I saturated the colours a tad in Picasa. Taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  25. Always enjoy your podcasts Valerie! I found this show a few weeks ago and I’ve been hooked ever since (almost completely caught up hehe). Here is my entry for the abstract challenge:

    As someone who wears glasses, it’s always interesting to consider what life is like without glasses on. Bokeh has always come pretty close to that experience, so here is my reimagined take on the iconic skyline of nyc! Can you guess which side of the city this is?

    1. Glad to hear that you are enjoying the podcast Juan! Is it the Chrysler building on the left?

  26. My submission for the abstract street challenge: Shadow Biker, captured two days ago in Switzerland.

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