Street Focus 58: Levi Sim, The Unconventional Street Photographer

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”Levi Sim, The Unconventional Street Photographer” artist=”Street Focus 58″ ] Street Focus 58: Levi Sim, The Unconventional Street Photographer

There is never a dull moment on the streets with Levi Sim! In this episode of Street Focus we talk about his work as a commercial photographer and his passion for people and street portraits.

Levi Sim
Levi Sim

Passion drives Levi to make photographs, teach, and help new friends. He tells people he's a photographer, but he really does more than just make pictures. His professional photography is primarily commercial work for businesses, both small and large, and he really helps show how great it'd be to work with those companies. He excels at photographing people, from two year olds to oil field workers to couples married for 60 years, everyone has a good time making pictures with Levi.

Besides people and businesses, Levi enjoys all other aspects of photography, and practices landscapes and still life, as well. Other people enjoy photographing everything, and Levi wants to be able to help, so he practices as much as he can to be ready to help. He also runs a local photography club, is on the board of the local chamber of commerce, is a Rotarian, actively helps at church, is a husband, and poppa to a peppy four-year-old girl. Levi writes regularly for and is co-author of books on Adobe Lightroom.

Connect with Levi! See his website, followin him @PhotoLevi on Instagram, visit him on Photo Focus

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  1. What a great personality Levi has. Wish I had his outgoing nature. Loved this podcast ! ! ! Ps. I love airports too.

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