Street Focus 54: The Bloodline with Nicolas Enriquez

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”The Bloodline with Nicolas Enriquez” artist=”Street Focus 54″ ]Street Focus 54: The Bloodline with Nicolas Enriquez

On this episode of Street Focus, photo journalist Nicolas Enriquez takes us into everyday life of a New York City organized gang through his photo essay titled The Bloodline.

Nicolas Enriquez
Nicolas Enriquez

Born in the city of Cali-Colombia in 1993, at the age of 19 Nicolas decided to travel to New York to study Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at The International center of Photography where he graduated in 2014.

He has developed an interest in documenting Urban conflict, political and human rights issues, He currently works as a freelance photographer for the New York Daily News and his work has been published in different media outlets such as The New York Times, American Photography, Getty images, PROOF, etc.

Links to see more of Nicolas' work:

Instagram and twitter handle: @nicoenri12  (International Center of Photography) (Eddie Adams workshop, best experience, workshop ever everyone should apply) (article on burn magazine)

Images from his project The Bloodline, by Nicolas Enriquez:


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  1. Extremely interesting interview. Nicolas will be a photographer to watch as his career develops further. Thanks Valerie ! ! !

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