Street Focus 26: Q&A and Street Challenge

Street Focus 26: Q&A and Street Challenge

This episode for Street Focus is powered by Freshbooks.

Today my guest co-host for this new episode is my friend, photographer, author, educator and podcaster Ibarionex Perello. You may know him as the voice behind The Candid Frame podcast. Together we answer questions by Leo Deegan and Jake Randle about how much of street photography is serendipity and how much is preparation and whether sharpness really matters in street photography.

And The Winners are…

The winners for the last ‘Night Time' Street Challenge are Jan Lipton and Justin Cliffe.

Ibarionex tells you why he chose this photograph by Jan Lipton from Switzerland as the winning shot. You can see more of Jan's work on Instagram.

©Jan Lipton
©Jan Lipton


Valerie picked an image by Justin Cliffe who lives in the UK. You can see more of Justin's work on his website.

©Justin Cliffe
©Justin Cliffe

Congratulations, they will both receive an ebook from!

Picks of the week:

Ibarionex: The Passionate Photographer by Steve Simon

Valerie: Photographic Visions, Inspiring Images and How They Were Made curated by

Next Street Challenge: LIGHT! 

Listen to this episode to get tips from Valerie and Ibarionex about using light in your street photography. Then hit the streets and enter your winning shot.

Please resize for the web (700 or 800 px) and limit to one entry per person. Enter in the comment section of this post. Entries close on April 2. Good luck!

For inspiration: Here are a few images for inspiration with the theme of LIGHT by Valerie Jardin and Ibarionex Perello

You can see more of Ibarionex Perello's work in his website. Check out his popular podcast The Candid Frame, the Flickr Group and his YouTube channel. Also, check out his book Chasing the Light.

You can also connect with Valerie via her website.

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  1. The light outside and on the shiny floor, plus the shadows, caught my eye in this shot at Hampton Court Place, one of King Henry VIII Royal Palaces.

    1. Colin, the picture did not upload. Maybe it was too big? If all else fails, try a different browser.

  2. I snapped this one with my Sony A7 one day. I was very lucky that all of the kids were looking out the window at the same time. I’m still not sure what they were so fascinated with. I absolutely loved the light in this frame.

  3. Underpasses are the perfect place to take high contrast photos with crisp silhouettes. I like the graffiti on the steps and the unusual group of three people.

  4. Whoa, i am slightly intimidated.. So many great shots already.. I’ll need to keep shooting to hopefully snap one that can even dare to compete! 🙂

  5. Bicycle and streetlamps shadows created by strong light.

    Captured with my analog Leica M3 on Kodak T-Max 400 film.

  6. Party people. These people saw me walking around with my camera and asked me to snap their picture. The light was crazy due to the indoor live music which had all the strobes and colored lights swirling and flashing everywhere. I love how it came out with highlighted band in the haze and my patrons defined by the shadows and almost blown out figure of the guy with his outstretched hand

  7. I connect with Disqus, upload the picture and i even saw it in the site but when i log off it disapear… I reduce the size to the web (725×524) so i don think thats the problem. Can u help me, please?

    1. Sorry that you are experiencing problems Fenix. I have no idea why Disqus makes things so inconsitant. Maybe try a different browser?

  8. The Washington, DC Metro system has some very long escalators. These long rides up and down make for some good photo opportunities, this is one of them.

  9. Cheers! its Beer-o-clock!
    In a crowded craftbeer joint in LongStreet, Cape Town, I wasnt expecting to make any more images after a photowalk in the city centre. I merely went for a wind-down with my friend and having a much needed rest for my feet. I was drawn by the lampshade made of beer bottles and how it made a little pool of light on the guys that were having a very energetic conversation.

    With Fuji X-T1 & 14mm f2.8 @ 1/40, f2.8, ISO3200

  10. Taken in Ogden, Ut. I did both the color and a b&w, but I liked how the beer popped out in the color. Yours is one of my favorite podcasts.

    1. Hey Valerie, submitted this one but have decided on another. I deleted it, but now it is appearing here still as a “Guest” upload. Not sure what’s up with it! Sorry!

    2. No worries, I won’t consider it as an entry. Thanks for letting me know!

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