Killer New eBook on Canon Cameras!
I just got my (virtual) hands on the newest ebook from my good friend Joseph Linaschke. This one is all about how to get the most out of that powerful Canon camera you have sitting in your camera bag.
Now, many folks already know that I'm a Nikon shooter… but as Joseph mentions in the video, many of the techniques he covers in the book are not specific to Canon.
Joseph has a very detailed yet approachable teaching style and I'm sure that by the end of this ebook you'll be raring to get outside and take fantastic photographs with your newfound understanding of your gear, as well as a better understanding of photography in general.
Here's what the publisher ( has to say about the book…
Do you keep going back to the full-automatic mode on your Canon dSLR because you're not getting the results you expected from “those other modes”? Are there buttons on your camera that you've never pressed because you don't know what they do?
This book was written for the budding photographer. The photographer who's the proud new owner of a Canon dSLR, or the dSLR user who's never gotten that dial on top of their camera out of the fully automatic, “green square” or P mode. If you're ready to step up your game, this book's for you.
This book discusses carrying, holding and stabilizing your camera, explains how to use the aperture and shutter priority modes and when to go full manual, explains what the most important buttons and dials on the camera do, and details how to get the most out of the built-in flash.
In the Bonus Edition, it further explains how to take complete control of your autofocus, introduces you to the joys of off-camera flash, and offers guidelines on how to buy and rent new gear!
Buy your copy of Joseph's new ebook today, or click the button below to download the sample chapter.
Grab Your FREE Sample Chapter!
Cool! I’m not a Canon shooter, I’ll be sure to read the sample chapter. I’m not a newbie photographer, but it’s always good to sharpen up on your technique and skills. I’ll look into purchasing a copy.