Your Itinerary 36: Peyton Hale from Landscape to Travel

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Peyton Hale is not just a landscape photographer.

Peyton HalePeyton Hale is known for his beautiful landscape photography, but his work on the road over the last few years has turned his eye toward travel photography. Peyton is one of the trip leaders for the Giving Lens. He quickly realized during these trips that the people were often the most important subjects.
We all shoot what interests us. Some photographers start by shooting people, but some of us (I’m definitely in this camp) work our way into it. Peyton is still shooting beautiful landscapes, but he spends just as much time shooting portraits these days.
Be sure to check out the Giving Lens. It’s a great way to improve your photography and make a difference in people’s lives at the same time.

Peyton Hale Links:



The Giving Lens

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