TWiP 399 – Apple’s Photos App Revealed

This week, Joseph Linaschke, Derrick Story, Don Komarechka, and Nicole Young join Frederick to share their first impressions of Apple's new Photos app. Plus Canon announces two brand new 50 MP dSLRs.

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  1. Joseph: congrats on moving on from Aperture to Photo Apps. I personally will never trust another Apple software with my non-destructive library and metadata since they’ve made their roadmap clear. There are many possibilities for Photos, but I’m done chasing after Apple; there’s no reciprocity to their user base. I actually find the executive decisions condescending and paternalistic instead of a user-provider relationship. I’m moving on.

    Derrick: Capture One is a great RAW converter, BUT it doesn’t roundtrip to any external editors, and the metadata, fine tune adjustments for brushes and gradient tools are not very refined. I tried to love Capture 1 just like I tried to love Lightroom, but Aperture ruined it for me, something people who didn’t start with Aperture will never understand.

    Fredrick: great show, thank you for holding back on Joseph. If you had drunk the Aperture coolaid, you’d understand how the user interface of Aperture 3 is still superior to any other image editor out there. However, given Apple’s utter contempt for advanced users, it’s time for people like me to stop visiting this grave, put away the wedding band, and learn to live again.

    I’m sure the Lightroom team is celebrating, but I still find all the Lightroom modules except for the develop module atrociously painful to use when you come from Aperture to Lightroom.

  2. Lightroom imports misfire on me quite often. For a while, it would not import my magic lantern canon video files, for example. Often I won’t be able to preview my photos on import from the card(!), its crazy! It also won’t erase files from cards. This was ok with 8Gb cards, but with 64gb+ that can last months(especially on photos), wait.. did I already import these?

    In the past few years, the way we take pictures and deliver pictures has changed dramatically. At an event, 300 photos was taking way to many. lol (remember?). Now days with timelapses, 10+ fps, etc you can easily end up with thousands of photos.

    Besides, with NFC and wi-fi and in-camera processing some photos are already uploaded via you smartphone by the time you get home.

    Then there is video. Sometimes I might not even take a single photo.

    Bottom line: Things have changed it is good to be looking for solutions for today’s problems. No point in being nostalgic. You can kill the machine, but it won’t spot progress.

    I am writing this because lightroom is no magic bullet either. It would be nice to have a program that first bulk imports your media from ALL your devices and backs it up, regardless. Later, you can choose if it goes to your lightroom catalog, or to your NLE or whatever.

    I am using picasa for bulk imports, which is a bit of a shame(lol). From the bulk I can import in lightroom just the files I need.

    This photo app might not be the ultimate solution, but pointing towards the right path, I think.

    Never used aperture, just like I never used fcpx 7. Never appealed to me for some reason. Legacy connotations? who knows!

    Apple does listen, so keep the complaining up. Maybe features will creep in like they did with FCPX(which I love).


    my 2 cents

    Great show!

  3. I’m very disappointed at the discontinuation of Aperture.
    I switched to Lightroom last year, but I much prefer the interface of Aperture.
    I don’t like having different modules for library, develop, etc, the printing module is especially clunky and worst of all, Lightroom sucks at slideshows.
    I’ve been going back into Aperture purely for the Ken Burns slideshow effect.
    Also, the better noise reduction etc in Lightroom means little to me – if I’m going to spend any time on a photo I’ll either use photoshop or a plugin anyway.
    Here’s hoping you’re right, and there will be something for us Aperture fans in the future.

  4. By the time I turned off this podcast, all I was hearing was Twitter…blah,blah,blah…Facebook…blah, blah, blah…Instagram…blah, blah, blah…If This Then That…blah, blah, blah…iOS…blah, blah, blah…iCloud… blah, blah, blah. What happened to photography?

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