TWiP 332 – Smartphone Creep


Hosts: Doug Kaye with Valerie Jardin & Don Komarechka

This week on TWiP…

  • Canon's financial forecast haunted by smartphone creep
  • Adobe hack actually affects 38 million users
  • A roundtable discussion about learning photography
  • Don Komarechka talks kickstarting photographic projects
  1. Canon's financial forecast (8:20)
  2. Adobe hack actually affects 38 million (15:20)
  3. Learning photography (22:50)
  4. Kickstarting your photographic dreams (38:37)

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 Connect with Our Hosts & Guests:

Valerie Jardin: Website, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook

Don Komarechka: Website, Twitter or Google+

Doug Kaye: Website, Twitter or Google+


Pre-production by: Patrick Reed

Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn & Vince Bauer

Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly

Intro Music by: Scott Cannizzaro

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  1. I think the panel has a myopic view of the camera market. I would say that phones ARE taking sales away from DSLRs, just not from the keen hobbyist and professional market. For years now, DSLRs have been marketed to the “average” consumer (particularly soccer moms) as the solution to making their photos look “professional”. And they bought them in droves, used only the included kit lens, and mostly left them on auto the whole time.

    Now, consumers are realizing that they can get similar (and sometimes better) results with their phones, which are a lot less bulky and they have on them the whole time. What we are seeing is a small backlash caused by the over-promise of the marketing department to the snapshot takers out there.

    I think the consumer DSLR bubble has burst (and with it the you-too-can-be-a-pro seminar bubble). For photo enthusiasts, I agree with the panel that mirrorless cameras are beginning to replace DSLRs.

    1. Agree 100%. Many of the cheaper DSLRs were sold because there were no alternative and an entry level DSLR was cheap. Now many casual photographers use the their large cameras less and their smart phones (that they update much more frequently) are in use on a daily basis.

      While pro’s know about mirrorless and other rapidly changing cameras, the masses have no clue and it’s going to be a hard sell to casual users.

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