TWiP #249 – How the Sausage is Made


This week on TWiP we're experimenting using a Google Hangout to discuss Yahoo layoffs and lawsuits, Instagram on Android, monitors for photographers, and an interview CJ Chilvers on minimalist photography.

TWiP Tests Out Google+!

Our Google+ experiment was a success, as evidenced by the audio file – even though Ron's audio is a little gnarly. On next week's show we will make the Hangout public, and record the video (as well as the audio) for later consumption right here on this site (and YouTube).
We record TWiP every week at 6pm Pacific, so be sure to circle us on Google+ to catch the show.

Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Martin Bailey, and Ron Brinkmann

Episode Overview:

This week, Yahoo announced more layoffs in it's efforts to streamline and refocus itself.

Yahoo is also involved in several lawsuits with Facebook and we discuss how this might impact services like Flickr.

Instagram finally makes it's way to the Android platform and that has ruffled the feathers of many iPhone users who don't want Android users playing in their sandbox.

We also have a round-table discussion on things photographers should consider when shopping for a monitor.

And Frederick sits down for an interview with photographer CJ Chilvers to talk about minimalist photography.

Martin Bailey and Ron Brinkmann join Frederick Van Johnson to discuss these topics and more on this week's episode of TWiP.

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Connect with Our Hosts & Guests:

CJ Chilvers:!/cjchilvers or or

Martin Bailey: or or Google+

Ron Brinkmann: or or Google+

Frederick Van Johnson: or or Google+


Pre-production by: Bruce Clarke
Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn
Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly
Intro Music by Scott Cannizzaro

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  1. Frederick & the gang, I love the show and I will always listen. That said, I feel like

  2. Speaking of Instagram (which I don’t use), it was just reported that Facebook bought Instagram for–gasp–one billion dollars! It’s not April Fools Day, but still, is this real money? 

  3. Long time listener, first time comment-er.  I for one loved the interview about minimalist photography, so much so that it spurred me to comment and congratulate CJ Chilvers on an interesting e-book, and blog.  I have to admit, anything that bucks the current trend in photography always catches my eye, especially when someone (who will remain un-named in this comment, but was mentioned in the interview) reportedly takes issue with what the premise of minimalist photography is all about.  Glad to see it rubbed him enough that he actually commented.  CJ’s point of view is refreshing, and it’s a view that I completely agree with.

    Even before I heard about this, I was already about to take the plunge and buy an advanced point-n-shoot with the same ideas in mind.  I’m happy to discover that there are others out there that feel as I do.  Not sure I’ll get rid of the DSLR though, but I suspect a compact will renew the fervor I felt in photography back when I had a “lowly” Canon G3 that went with me everywhere –  a fervor I lost along the way after I got an advanced DSLR.

    So, thanks CJ.  I also joined your newsletter, and look forward to more interesting commentary!

    And thank you Frederick, for an always interesting podcast.

  4. I love gear…it is unavoidable in photography to deal with the tools to create the art. But I got to say that hearing CJ Chilvers has been one of the most refreshing things I’ve heard in quite a long time in photography. Thank you!

  5. I’ve been following Chilvers ever since that interview and I have to say I’m not impressed.  He is trying to be the Seth Godin of photography but falling short.  I don’t disagree with his principles but I LIKE taking pictures of bumble bees.  And trashing gear is not the TWiP style…so many listeners are gear heads.

    All that being said, being exposed to new, different and uncomfortable points of view is a good thing.

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