Tough Questions about Lightroom and Photoshop!

This week's episode features two amazing Lightroom and Photoshop trainers who have made it their life’s work to teach others how to the apps.

Dave Cross and Matt Kloskowski join me for a discussion about the world of photographic post-processing, Lightroom+Photoshop, and how to maximize the Adobe photography ecosystem.

We also discuss their upcoming FREE Lightroom Virtual Summit! The event takes place May 3 – 7, 2021, and will feature a veritable “who's-who” of the Adobe education world.

Once each class goes live, it will be available to watch for FREE for 48 hours. The optional VIP Access Pass means you never worry about missing a single nugget of wisdom.

You can watch and rewatch each session as many times as you like and get exclusive extras such as session notes and downloadable files.

The lifetime pass opens up access to all the class videos, the extras, and a few surprise bonuses!

The VIP Pass for the summit will go to its regular price of $149 at 12:01 pm on May 3rd.

Matt Kloskowski

About Matt Kloskowski –

For years, being in the photography industry (but not necessarily being a full-time working pro), I really tried to establish myself as a photographer because, well, it seemed like that was the “cool” thing to do.

But I knew people really came to me for my education. And interestingly enough, that’s what I love to do the most…above anything… to teach, educate and help people make great photos.

So a few years ago I decided to own that role, and be very intentional about it. My goal is to bring you the best photo editing tutorials, as well as to help you get better at capturing great photos as well.

Dave Cross

About Dave Cross –

For over 30 years Dave Cross has been helping photographers and creative professionals get the most out of their Adobe software. He has a Bachelor of Education, is an Adobe Certified Instructor, and is a Certified Technical Trainer.

Dave has taught for Adobe, Photoshop World, WPPI, ShutterFest, Adobe MAX, Imaging USA, and at numerous corporate locations. In 2009 Dave was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame, and in 2016, 2017, and 2019 was named an Adobe MAX Master Instructor.

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  1. I switched to a fully open-source workflow: Linux desktop + Darktable/ART (Rawtherapee fork) and am much happier for it. I only keep an i5 Mac Mini around to handle printing of photos on my 17-inch Epson printer, though TBH I have not printed very much in the last year and a half.

  2. Mr Klowskowski is exactly right regarding his observation about inevitably needing to update software being a subscription of sorts, and of course even paying $50 to “buy” software is not in fact purchasing the software, but rather the right to use it (perhaps on one or two computers). This concept is lost on most people – IP (Intellectual Property) laws have changed the way the concept of “ownership” needs to needs to be understood.

    In their book “The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy” authors Aaron Perzanowski and Jason Schultz they explain how things have changed.

  3. After 10 years using LightRoom as a professional Photographer (based in Switzerland) I switched to Captue One. In my opinion these guys set the standard in many ways. I’m super satisfied.

    Best – Christian

  4. A hobbyist started digital in 2008 with Canon Ftb and all there was was Canon’s image processor. By brother sent me Lr which was great BUT a full program was about $800 and Ps was another $800 AND then if a new update another $800 so I was using Photomatix $90 (forever) and Nik collection and many more at $100 or less! Capture One in 2014 when I went Sony was $30. When Ps/Lr went went by the year for $100 Duh!!! The one major that made them better than others lens corrections were updated fast. Then came dust removal, WOW! But a graduated and Radial filter but C1 was the same just different. When there was this Star Eater problem C1 had more stars because Lr removed hot and dead pixels So my Astro shots I did in C1. Also got Topaze through 5daydeal for noise reduction and today Topaz AI is so good. Today mostly ON! Photo RAW a combo PS/Lr Yes I upgrade when needed!!! PTGui the best pano program!

  5. My beef with the subscription that wasn’t discussed… While yes, $10 a month is nothing, cheap. Over the year equivalent to what I spent if I upgraded Capture One. What that $10 means is that Adobe had you. What if they decide to “realign” their subscription service and make it “more clear” for what you’re using. Now all of sudden my monthly fee goes up to $15.00 or $20.00 a month, but hey, they toss in a free 50gb of cloud space. They have you and they know it. How many years of photos is in the cloud? You don’t have a choice, pay the increase or loose the ability to edit.

    At least with Capture One and Affinity Photo/Luminar, I stop paying I still have full accessto my photos.

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