Street Focus 20: On Location in Paris and Street Challenge

Episode 20: On location conversation in Paris, Street Challenge and Pick of the Week

This episode of Street Focus is powered by Freshbooks.

I am pleased to be joined by photo workshop participants and new friends, Alastair Arthur and Stefan Wulkan, to talk about their street photography experience in Paris.

And winners of the ‘Eye Contact' challenge are…

Stefan selected an image submitted by Nicolas Winspeare. He selected the image as a winner because: “Her facial expression sends a message, but also that from a composition standpoint, you have nice groupings of three in the a) lady, b) the younger woman with a child and c) the people in the background, as if three different lives are displayed in one photo.”

You can see more of Nicolas' work on Flickr.

©Nicolas Winspeare
©Nicolas Winspeare

Alastair selected an image submitted by Alec Hosterman. He selected the image as a winner because: “The woman making eye contact is perfectly framed in front of a grave to draw our attention. Then there is a whole new story going on to the left with the couple sharing their magazines. Then we also have a wifi sign, which is presumably wasted on our characters. Love it.”

To see more of Alec's work, check out his website.

©Alec Hosterman
©Alec Hosterman

Congratulations! They will both receive a title of their choice from our friends at Rocky Nook Publishing.

New Street Challenge: Street Portraits

Did the conversation inspire you to make a connection with a stranger and ask him/her to do a street portrait? Make it your challenge over the next couple of weeks or upload a recent picture. One entry per person please. The contest closes on February 19th. Good luck and have fun!

Pick of the week:

My Crumpler camera bag.

Special Announcements and links 

To see more of Alastair's work, please visit his website and check out his ebook.

Stefan is revamping his website at the moment, I will link when available.

To see what's happening in Valerie's world, visit her website. And Check out the Paris workshops.

Don't forget to join the Street Focus Community Page on Google+.

Street Portraits

Below are samples by Stefan Wulkan and Alastair Arthur for your inspiration.


If you wish to see the video recording of the conversation segment featured in this episode, here it is:

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  1. This is my photo for the Street Portrait Challenge. I titled it “Gimme a Dollar” since that was the only thing that he was saying at that time. I do not know his name but he came to me when I was doing a photoshoot in Orlando. Hope you guys like it.

  2. This is Butchy. When her parents died Butchy’s relatives tried to sell off the family farm. Butchy used every dollar she had toward lawyer fees to fight them off and preserve the farm. This was taken at The Detroit Eastern Market.

  3. NYC Cab driver. During a photo walk this gent pulled up and wanted to know why all the photographers were about. I asked to take his picture

  4. Street Portrait Challenge: Street Portrait. Ho-Chi-Minh Museum in Hanoi. I was asked to take a picture…

  5. This is a guy that I see almost everyday. He is a newspaper vendor in Washington, DC. He was more than happy to allow me to make this photograph.

  6. I met this gentleman while out on an early morning walk in the hills of the Punakha district of Bhutan. He spoke no English, and I spoke one word of Dzonghka, but somehow we were still able to communicate well enough to enjoy a few minutes together.

  7. Charlie introduced himself as the Shaman of Vieques. His mission is “help the earth heal herself.”

  8. I asked if I could take a pic and they told me it would cost me 1 dollar. They seemed nice and so I don’t understand why they posed that way. I think I got a bargain!

  9. Hi Valerie… loving the podcast. Every episode just keeps getting better 🙂 This image was made in Melbourne on Saturday 7 Feb 2015. The two waiters were outside having a cigarette break just off Hosier Lane.

  10. I observed this gentleman enjoying a libation & newspaper on a sunny, but chilly afternoon on the Rembrandstsplein in Amsterdam. I thought his acknowledged nod of approval would be followed by a smile, but he retained his arctic explorer’s expression and smiled only after the camera was lowered.

  11. I took this in Milan recently. Just a casual shot of a man and his animal companions. It was my first downtown rooster sighting.

  12. I took this picture few days ago in Budapest. I am very pleased to participate at this challenge
    Thank you for watching, and voting.

  13. I took this picture two weeks ago in Trinidad, Cuba, while on a People-to-People Cultural Exchange program. This man was standing inside his home and looking out a window onto the sidewalk when I walked by. I was able to talk to him in Spanish for a little bit before I asked to take his picture.

  14. A street portrait.. of a Street Photographer!! What’s the chance of that happening?? lol

  15. Hi Valerie, I love the podcast and it always gives me inspiration to get out and shoot more.
    Here is a street portrait I shot in Minneapolis using my Pentax 67 with a waist-level viewfinder. Its a big old film camera, not the most ideal for candid street, but I love it. I think it actually helps me to get people to say yes to when I ask them to make a portrait. Everyone is always fascinated and shocked at the same time.

    This woman was in a hurry between her lunch break and didn’t look like the type of person that would normally agree to a street portrait… but I went ahead and asked her anyways and she happily agreed!

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