TWiP Talks 5: Beauty After Breast Cancer

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”Beauty After Breast Cancer” artist=”TWiP Talks 05″ ] In this episode of TWiP Talks we are pointing our lens at breast cancer — a disease that afflicts a staggering 1 in 8 women in the United States alone.

This project, Beauty After Breast Cancer, is a book being produced by Katelyn Carey, a nurse who had a preventative mastectomy at the age of 29. Together with photographer and TWiP host Joseph Linaschke, they are working with a team of devoted professionals in the Ashland, OR area, to create a Kickstarter funded resource unlike anything currently available.

33 women are sharing bare-chested photos of various surgical options/outcomes, while also sharing their smiles and stories of how they kept it together through their experiences with breast cancer.

The reality is that over 230,000 women in the United States will receive a breast cancer diagnosis this year. These women will be frightened, and will truly need a resource that is informative, while also providing hope and reassurance in this pivotal time.

There really has been nothing like this…until now.

Beauty After Breast Cancer is currently in production, still accepting participants, and the team is working hard to raise the money needed to publish the book.

Connect with the project and help them reach their goal:

Beauty After Breast Cancer on Kickstarter

The Beauty After Breast Cancer Website

Beauty After Breast Cancer on Facebook

Beauty After Breast Cancer on Twitter

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  1. Perhaps an international campaign would be more appealing to Kickstarter backers, where local photographers can contribute to local editions of the book. You can still supervise the production of the book, to assure it’s delivering the right message.. But as an international campaign.

    Back this up with a website, where visitors can see the similarities between women across the globe. I think it would be a hit.

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