Street Focus 43: Street Tips with Rinzi Ruiz

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”Street Tips with Rinzi Ruiz” artist=”Street Focus 43″ ] Street Focus 43: Street Tips with Rinzi Ruiz

On this new Street Tips episode of Street Focus, L.A. based photographer Rinzi Ruiz shares his top 10 street photography tips with the community.

Photographer Rinzi Ruiz
Photographer Rinzi Ruiz

Rinzi is a photographer who is passionate about capturing the moments in life. He finds beauty in humanity and finds it in capturing the emotion, the mundane, and the art in reality that is found everywhere. He has a background in fine arts and graphic design but found photography to be much more fun and rewarding.He has been featured in Los Angeles Times Framework and a few street photography blogs such as Candid Frame, Fotoflock, and Visuellegedanken for his street photography work but also is involved in other types of photography such as portraiture, events, and weddings.

Rinzi has been labeled a light seeker or light painter due to his style of photography wherein he often seeks out and uses available light to illuminate his subjects and settings and as a result enhances the lights and shadows within a frame.

To see Rinzi's work visit his website, see him on Tumblr and Instagram.

Rinzi's Top 10 Street Photography Tips

1. Practice and get out as often as possible

2. Experiment – Try new angles focal length, time of day, locations – try something new

3. Try using 1 camera and 1 lens for awhile – learn how to see with that set up

4. Learn to see light (and shadows)

5. Take the picture – Get away from thinking, “I’ll take the picture next time”.

6. Positive mindset – go out intending to have fun

7. Sit or stand and just observe the environment and how people move about and interact

8. Figure out what you want out of your photography experience and what type of photos you want to produce

9. Let it marinate

10. Learn from the masters

Images by Rinzi Ruiz:


  1. Great tips!!!! I’m intrigued by #9 as I have been hearing it from many other great photographers. Go back to your Lighroom library and find the ones that got away. I did just that and couldn’t believe how many great images slipped by the first time.

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