Full-Frame Face-off: Nikon D600 vs. Canon 6D

Without stirring up a full-on Nikon vs. Canon debate, it is worth comparing their most recent cameras: the Nikon D600 and the Canon 6D. Each manufacturer has released their least expensive full-frame body to date, tempting photographers to sell of their APS-C bodies and lenses to buy upgrade and potentially enticing Nikon D800 and Canon 5D Mark III users to “downgrade.”

The specs keep this race too close to call, and besides a few features like wi-fi in the Canon 6D and more autofocus points in the Nikon D600, these cameras are very similar. We doubt that either would provoke a someone to switch brands and the truth is that the release of these cameras bodes well for both professional and amateur photographers.

Check out the infographic below to see a more detailed comparison.

This infographic originally appeared on Dragonfly Productions.


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