TWiP Weddings 044: Wedding Videography with Rob Adams

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TWiP Weddings 044: Wedding Videography with Rob Adams

This week we are joined by Rob Adams from Rob Adams films. Rob is a storyteller, cinematographer and educator from New Jersey who has shot and produced over 500 wedding videos for clients all over the world. Rob’s work has been featured on several websites and publications including Martha Stewart Weddings, Green Wedding Shoes, & Junebug Weddings.

Rob is here today to talk with us about the world of wedding videography and share some tips and advice on how wedding photographers and videographers can work together on the wedding day.

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One Comment

  1. I was actually looking fwd to this listening to this podcast when I saw it d/l because I wanted prep for a wedding I have scheduled for Dec that includes a videographer. Much to my dismay, your guest Rob came across as arrogant and extremely hostile to wedding photogs (and wedding guests as well!). I was expecting “pro tips” with regards to how to “share space” and work together, instead I got an earful of “We go in there and be vocal, exert authority… otherwise the photographer is going to push you around…” and “we definitely assert authority. …actually, I’m more of a jerk to the guests than I am to the photographer…” He made other choice comments… but really? Rob Adams may very well be God’s gift to the “wedding videography space” (in his own mind) but with that attitude, he’s far from professional. And however unlikely, I hope I never have to work the same event with him.

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