TWiP 473: Fujifilm X-T2 – Evolution of a Good Thing

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TWiP 473: Fujifilm X-T2 – Evolution of a Good Thing

Fujifilm is at it again, this time they’ve released the successor to their wildly popular X­T1 mirrorless camera, the X­T2. There are a number of refinements on this new body, and one of the big ones is that it features full 4K video! To date, Fujifilm apologists have explained that the camera system is for “real” photographers, not those wanting to do something as mundane as video.

That sentiment may be changing — not only have they added 4K features, but they’ve introduced a slew of new features and refinements sure to persuade those X­T1 shooters into reaching for their wallets! Things just got real.

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  1. EyeFi is not all about the cloud. When EyeFi first came out, the cloud was rather hazy. The original EyeFi (not the Mobi) allowed you to come back from a shoot, turn on your camera, and go do something else while your photos downloaded automatically. All the photos are pushed to a folder on the computer. Then, if you use LightRoom, set that folder up to be watched and LightRoom will automatically import them. Again, with no effort involved on your part; it just works.

  2. In this episode you have had quite a few discussions about mirror-less/cutting edge camera design, from the lead story to the viewer question. Here is my view as a engineer and a scientist:
    Mirror-less cameras are future, just as the smart phones were future of the cell phones at a time. However, not the current crop of mirror-less cameras and designs. Current mirror-less cameras suffer from the same problem early (semi)smart phones suffered: size as a “feature”. Remember Motorola Star Tac? SNL sketch about tiny-tiny-finger-phone? – That is the cell phone equivalent of a current mirror-less camera market. Same as those small (semi)smart phones could have done some smart things, say my had completely functional GPS and mapping, implementation was nonsense, maps on tiny flip phone were barely usable for example- current crop of mirror-less cameras fail to make full use of the modern technology and to make it fully usable. Hence, someone in the industry will certainly play a part of Apple and produce a real advanced mirror-less camera. Same as listener whose question you elaborated on thinks, I hope (notice “hope” not “know”), that one of major producers is indeed about to “pull-an-Apple” but even if it is not them, whoever realizes that next step will be way ahead for a while and the current crop of mirror-less cameras will quickly go by a wayside just as Star Tacs did.
    Here is my belief of what v1.0 of such ground braking camera will have: Indeed, DaVinci-esque technology and mirrors will be gone. However, NOT to save space (which almost no one needs to be saved) but to put IN new modern features. Ex. 1) Active sensor cooling, trivial to place exactly in the space left by the mirror, trivial to design, likely 2 generations(!) jump in performance of the sensor [side note-Nikon could do this and do better performance with OLD Sony sensor than Sony itself with the newest…] 2) Better sensor->capability of greater pixel depth and video hence – significantly better processing capability built-in. 3) 1,2 demand more power-put larger battery in 4) With more power and computing at hand, APS (as in programming kind, not film format) are viable, greater control and personalization of use and tasks 5) And do not forget-complete usability of old lenses as there is no need to change lens mounts/distances/anything, attractant to greatly invested and such…. And that is just v1.0 that can trivially be made right now.
    I hope it is Nikon or Canon because industrial capability is needed to push innovation through (see what have happened with Foveon, sensor design that is in fundamentals light years ahead but in hands of poorly industrially capable Sigma doing noting).

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