TWiP 471: A New Photoshop Arrives!

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”A New Photoshop Arrives!” artist=”TWiP 471″ ]

TWiP 471: A New Photoshop Arrives!

Adobe continues with its “rolling thunder” model of drip­-feeding cool new features to Creative Cloud subscribers. Just when you were wondering why you pay that subscription fee every month, boom… a cool new set of features that make you reconsider cancelling.

Also Hasselblad enters the mirrorless market with a relatively inexpensive medium format mirrorless camera. And the FAA finally announces rules governing drone flight in the United States — for both commercial and recreational use!

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  1. I think you missed the whole point of the Hasselblad mirrorless camera by not discussing the reason they are producing a ‘cheap’ MF camera in the first place. Pentax’s 645z MF camera has been hammering the sales of the more expensive MF camera’s from Hasselblad and Phaseone for a couple of years now and is still cheaper than this new offering with more lenses available. It’s not a mirrorless camera but it is still the best value MF camera available for purchase right now and its image quality is astounding. It also does video (though not particularly well). Everyone on TWIP this week seemed to be unaware that the Pentax MF camera even exists!

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