TWiP 446 – France Bans Skinny

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”France Bans Skinny” artist=”TWiP 446″ ]

TWiP 446 – France Bans Skinny

Typically, when you think of that stereotypical glamorous fashion shoot, your mind conjures up visions of glitzy sets, demanding photographers, talented make­up artists, lots of minions running around, and of course beautiful (and sometimes skinny) models.

Well, that vision is changing in France. The country is passing legislation that would effectively “ban” skinny models from photoshoots. France is defining “skinny” as models with a body mass index (BMI) of 18 or less. Models that fall into that category must present a doctor's note stating they are in good general health.

Breaking this law could mean steep fines for agencies and photographers — of up to $82,000 US, and up to 6 months in prison.

In this episode, we discuss this new law and its enforceability and implementation. As well as the persistent “skinny model” controversy.

Here to discuss this story, as well as the 2016 Consumer Electronics show, and DJI’s spiffy new headquarters in China are Joseph Linaschke of PhotoApps.Expert, and Dave Dugdale of

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  1. I actually think that the opposite will happen – tablets will merge into one with laptops and get the full desktop OS. Microsoft failed badly with their Windows Phone strategy, but I think the Surface and Surface Book devices are the right direction into the future.

    iPad and Android tablet sales are declining because many might have made the experience that they are still “just” a media consumption device but not capable enough to replace the laptop as some thought years ago. Why would a professional (or amateur) deal with blown up phone apps or tablets apps that have compromises when they can also get a device liked the surface and run the full powered Lightroom, Photoshop and Illustrator on it? With all the tools, plugins and presets they’re used to in their workflow? Adobe started with Illustrator and introduced a touch optimized UI for such devices and now they’re doing the same for Photoshop. I’m not the biggest Microsoft fan but I have high respect for what they did with the Surface and I think that’s the right approach.

    Lightroom on Android for example can even edit Raw files, but that’s still such a huge difference compared to the full Lightroom experience we’ve on our desktop systems. Current iOS and Android tablets are huge compromises, not the future (imho)

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