TWiP 444 – Drone Registration Time!

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TWiP 444 – Drone Registration Time

The drone, or “UAV” industry is still very much in its formative stages. There are many companies creating amazing, mature and highly sophisticated products. Yet the industry still remains in a bit of flux despite the fact that, to date, there have been hundreds of thousands of drones sold worldwide. What has many purchasers, and companies sitting eagerly on the sidelines pertains to the question of what laws and regulations will be established to govern this new industry.

We’ll it’s the dawn of a new day — at least here in the United States. The FAA, aka the Federal Aviation Administration has finally released its registration requirements for US based drones. As well as the non-compliance penalties, both punitive and criminal for current and future drone pilots.

In this episode photographers Martin Bailey and Matt Granger join me to discuss this next chapter in the drone story, as well as other stories making news… This Week in Photo!

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  1. Concerning the point what can happen, when a drone crashes – this happened some days ago at a world cup skiing event. It narrowly missed one athlete. The footage can be seen here:

    I don’t want to know what would have been the consequences if Marcel Hirscher had been hit on the head by this drone.
    The pilot was a certified to fly this thing and yet it happened. Apart from the fact that he crashed it, he also left the corridor that was assigned and considered safe (between the athlete and the spectators).

  2. I recently listened to your episode 444 about drone registration. Each drone or UAS as the FAA calls them, will receive an unique registration number which must be displayed on the UAS and the user must have the registration certificate with them when they are operating the device. With that registration number they can match device to owner so Frederick you can’t run and hide.
    The FAA has the right to perform what is called a RAMP (Registration, Airworthiness, Manual, Pilot license) check on any aircraft at their discretion. In this case the only document would be registration but I imagine they will be checking for them when they see one being operated.
    What I find interesting is that for commercial use they require a pilot’s license but they don’t specify what rating. I have a commercial pilot certificate but I have never operated a drone so I could fly it legally but I don’t think I could do it safely.

  3. Hi, The link for Martin’s pick is broken, and it is not Mallerret. I think it is supposed to be Vallerret,

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