TWiP 435 – Straight Outta Washington

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”Straight Outta Washington” artist=”TWiP 435″ ]

TWiP 435 – Straight Outta Washington

Over the past two years, the drone (or UAV) industry has seen some insanely rapid growth, mostly fueled by the success of industry leader DJI. And as a result, more and more competitors have joined the mix. The “drone” has permanently stepped up to take its place in the mainstream of global culture. Both as a military weapon, as well as more benign uses like photography in the hands of hobbyists and enthusiasts.

However, as with any new technology there are those that will, and have abused and misused it.

Enter the FEDS!

For several months now, the swinging “pit and the pendulum” guillotine of government oversight has been steadily dropping closer over the drone industry. With the big question being — will the government come in heavy-handed and destroy this fledgling industry? Or will they take too much of a “hands-off” approach, and let folks run amok until someone gets hurt.

Personally, one of my biggest fears was that someone stupid or nefarious would do something terrible, and cause loss of life. Then the world’s governments would likely quickly and carelessly swing into action by issuing bans that would effectively kill, or severely handicap the entire industry.

Luckily, nothing too heinous has happened, and today in the United States, the FAA have opened its kimono and shared what the proposed guidelines will look like – in an effort to stave off future incidents.

FYI – the round table discussion portion of this show was recorded before the FAA announcement was available, but there’s a very timely interview insert that I recorded a few days later (Wednesday October 21st) with Eric Cheng, formerly of DJI.

In that quick chat Eric gives his thoughts on the new guidelines, as well as what the future might hold for both amateur and professional drone pilots everywhere.


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One Comment

  1. Looking at the NPPA item, a quick mention or correction “Open land” does not equal “Public land.” If it’s owned the rights belong to the owner, and in some public land cases if the land is leased, the rights are also usually controlled by the tenant, depending on the contract or permit of course. The proper analogy would be to if some one came into your property, or apartment and took evidence of illegal activity without a warrant, or proper notice from the leasor. The Wyoming act only protects the rights holder from trespasser evidence being admissable in court cases. Seems like common sense under the 4th amendment with unreasonable search and seizure, and the 5th with due process.

    If there exist actionable violations, normal channel’s exist without the need for trespassing, and it will make the court’s decision easier then having to parse though activist’s illegally obtaining evidence,and pushing authorities based on that information. That could lead to the bad guys getting away, and good luck snagging them again. Got to keep the pollutants out of the information stream too.

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