TWiP 408 – The DJI Phantom 3 and Apple Photos

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On this episode of TWiP, Thomas Hawk, Evgeny Tchebotarev, & Joseph Linaschke join Frederick to discuss the new DJI Phantom 3 & Canon's new XC10 camcorder. Plus Apple releases Photos and Linkedin is planning to buy the popular education site for $1.5 billion.

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  1. REALLY FREDERICK? There’s lack of balance on judging the Photos App. It was never meant to be a Lightroom or Aperture replacement, Apple threw the towel on that arena submitting to Adobe. It’s like criticizing 500px on what it lacks compared to Facebook. With some creativity, Photos is a great application for professionals and the every day user.

    While the every day user may be happy taking happy snaps with the iPhone and doing minor edits and posting to social media, a professional could easily use it as a display for Portfolios or display for very best images to friends and family. It is no where near as cumbersome as Lightroom because it doesn’t need to be.

    I can think of multiple workflows as a professional to make extra cash EASILY. For example:

    Say I shoot a wedding, I edit my images in Lightroom/Photoshop/CaptureOne whatever, and produce my final outputs. I could easily ask the client if they want a Photos Library for their images, in that way they can tag faces, keyword as they please, and it would be self organized and simplified. I simply import all my finalized images to Photos, and hand the client the Photos Library. They can tag locations, familiar faces, everything they want, and even import the library to their own Photos library. This is such an easy workflow for them as opposed to a stack of images in a CD. They could post to their photo stream, or even export to Facebook from the App. All of this in one contained Library that is no where NEAR as complex as Lightroom, Capture One, or Adobe Bridge.

    For android clients, there’s always dropbox and other services, but Apple is becoming so popular, and with Photos being in every single Apple product, they’ve facilitated a market for professionals and they can even charge extra for a Photos Library package. I can think of so many ways to use this App now that is available on the devices many potential clients, that I see it as a plus for the pro and enthusiast market.

    But that’s just me.

  2. If you are going to review something like PHOTOS app wouldn’t it make sense to invite some folks on who actually might use it? If all of your TEAM members consider themselves too professional to use it, then let someone else review it. For example, there is no External Editor option with PHOTOS at this point, so those of us who sometimes used IPHOTO but used PHOTOSHOP to be the photo editor now have to export out each photo individually. It would have been nice to have heard that in a review of it on TWIP.

    1. I agree, but I also think it’s a bit hard for TWiP to be able to do that. I imagine the guests are booked weeks in advance and they cover news stories. I would like the guests to display a bit more perspective. Even if you don’t use a certain product, you should be able to view it’s benefits.

    2. In an ideal world, we’d be able to quickly persuade a panel of volunteer experts to come on the show at the last minute to address and comment on breaking news.

      But the reality is, companies don’t furnish us with their release schedules. And we have to schedule our guests many weeks in advance. Unfortunately, sometimes the panel isn’t congruent with the subject matter. However, we’re always trying to get better — both with our content, and our back-end processes.

    3. True. Booking guests is an issue for sure. And, yet, I’ve listened on and off for over a year and unless I’ve missed it, his regular guests usually don’t have the interest in something like the PHOTOS app so I don’t know if he’s got such a person in his Rollodex to begin with. If there is breaking news on a drone, however, TWIP is the place to go.

    4. Yes, you missed it, “he” does have a person such as that in his rolodex. Joseph Linaschke is on the show regularly and is keenly interested in Photos. Joseph runs the site Photo Apps Expert ( And yes, if there’s breaking news on a drone, we’ll do our best to cover that too.

    5. Good to know, “Frederick”. I’ll keep my ears open for Joseph and go to his website. Perhaps, he has some info for those of us who do use it. Thanks for providing it.

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