TWiP 392 – The Fashion Episode

This week it’s a special holiday episode of TWiP featuring three interviews. The first is a talk about breaking into fashion photography with fashion photographer Lucas Passmore, the second is a discussion with fashion model Ali Stepka about how photographers should work with models ­­and finally, Frederick sits down with studio owner and photographer Jeff Christensen about his fantastic space “Swing Studios” located on Venice Beach, CA and his path to becoming a photographer.

Photography by Lucas Passmore

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  1. As a serious photographer of art models ( ), mostly from Model Mayhem, I appreciated the way all of you took seriously the topic of fashion photography, particularly the discussion of finding and working with models.

    I liked Ali’s candor when talking about how to work with a model doing fashion or posing nude. When I began this exploration in 2008 that was one of the things that surprised me the most, that models who do that kind of work have no problem being nude and that they appreciate photographers who speak with them politely and directly. I have found that asking direct questions, with proper terminology, on limits or if a particular angle or pose is acceptable is never cause for conflict. I also enjoyed hearing about Lucas’ path to get to where he is now and about Jeff’s amazing studio. If I lived in LA I’d be in touch about rental.

    I think it might be interesting for TWIP to discuss this more, especially for those photographers who might want to work with the nude but have never had that experience. There are quite a number of highly articulate experienced photographers and art models who might be interested in speaking about the good, and unfortunately bad, experiences they have had.

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