TWiP 327 – Going Postal

[smart_track_player url=”″ color=”6a1915″ title=”TWiP 327: Going Postal” artist=”This Week in Photo” ]

Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Martin Bailey, Don Komarechka & Aaron Nace

This week on TWiP…

  • The US Postal Service pays $685,000 for copyright infringement
  • Nikon introduces the AW1 – a water proof, freeze proof & shock proof mirrorless camera
  • A USA Today sports photographer gets caught faking an important shot

  1. The US Postal Service pays $685,000 for copyright infringement (13:40)
  2. Nikon introduces the rugged AW1 (41:40)
  3. A USA Today sports photographer gets caught faking an important shot (55:55)



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Pre-production by: Patrick Reed

Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn & Vince Bauer

Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly

Intro Music by: Scott Cannizzaro

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  1. Can NOT stand Don as a host. Could not make it through the show. Instead I went to Fro Knows Photo and listened to his podcast. Normally my second choice, but today my first.

  2. This issue is getting out of hand. There is no such thing as an original idea. Everything is built from other ideas. Using an example other than photography, is the wheel span on your car or the rail road tracks thru out the US. The span just happens to be the same as a covered wagon. Where did the wheel come from?

    1. Thank you for the direct link, Frederick. Is this removal of the MP3 file by design, or just an oversight? I ask because the lack of an mp3 file in the post means that I can’t listen to the show through my podcast app. I love the show, but I’m not sure how much longer I will continue to listen if I need to manually visit a website and download the MP3 to my phone every week. Keep up the good work!

    2. I hear you all… the direct link was an oversight. It’s back in now and will continue be in future episodes. Thanks for the heads-up!

    3. Thank you, Frederick! I’ve been listening every week since the beginning. Back then I was manually downloading the podcasts and transferring them to my MP3 player for my commute. Now that I’ve had a smart phone for a couple of years, I’ve become rather spoiled and expect it to happen automatically. This week was the first time in a long time that I’d had to resort to manually downloading the MP3. It was worth the effort, but I do appreciate the convenience of having it automatically show up on my phone. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks for discussing something other than micro 4:3 and dslrs. If you like the Nikon 1 system, the AW-1 looks like a great bargain. Comparing it to a dedicated waterproof housing, however, isn’t fair. Real housings are good to several hundred feet underwater, the AW-1 is meant for snorkeling, watersports, bad weather, etc. I just wish they hadn’t gone with a unique lens mount.

    1. Agreed. This isn’t a true divers camera… but it’s likely good enough for the “rest of us”.

  4. Is there a place on your TWIP website that we can leave you a message, instead of in the comments section of the podcast? I was wondering if the results were in for the contest (I Dream I Can Fly).

    1. Hey Chet, I’m in the process of selecting a winner for the I Believe I Can Fly contest. There are a ton of amazing shots! If you’d like to send us a message directly, just use the “Contact Us” link in the menu bar at the top of the site. We *just* reactivated it.

    2. Month and a half now, contest still in review, probably the last one I do. It seems to not matter enough to TWIP to finish. Just a little bothered I guess

  5. Hello, anybody have details on the Drobo giveaway? I listened to the episode at the gym (it keeps me from buying things on impulse 🙂 ) and don’t want to listen again thanks

    1. Hey John D. Theres now a contest entry form in the blog post above… you didn’t overlook it, we just added it in today.

  6. It’s awfully curious that one of the guests doesn’t care if his pictures get ripped off and wouldn’t do anything in response if they were ripped. That’s a new one and I hope truly hope that others do the complete opposite to protect their property & the industry as a whole.

    1. Hey Lou, it’s certainly a different stance to what we’ve become accustomed to on TWiP. However, I think Aaron was saying that the frequency of infractions and the net loss/gain from following up on each one would detract from his enjoyment of actually creating the art in the first place.

  7. Really good show, much better than the last one.

    I can see where the postoffice copyright would be a mess on this one. Because if you shoot a public building national park, or national monument you do not have to worry about copyright of the work because it paid for and owned by the citizens of the United States.

    Now if this monument is owned by a private group that allows the public to view it then I could see this as a copyright issue. So it really comes down to who owns the work, if it is privately owned then it is copyrighted if it is a publicly owned work then it is not copyrighted.

    The sports photographer is an interesting one because to miss the shot then claim another image is shot is as bad as photoshopping the image. The shooter must have felt they had to get the image at all costs. In someways I think we are seeing more of this because of internet gives us all instant access to images so we catch issues faster. One I thing I do is check my images against of shooters at events to see how they shoot and how I shoot.

    After a Raider game I would check AP images to compare and see how I did. So I have to wonder what was going on in that shooter’s head. I suspect with the collapsing journalism industry the pressure was on. But in this day and age it is to easy to get caught doing something that stupid.

    Whats worst is the shooter will be blackballed from the industry. In that sense I rather get fired from missing the shot, than destroy my career and reputation by faking an image.

    1. I agree. And this story got me thinking. I wonder how many times this has happened in the past… and gone unnoticed. It’s almost like a doping controversy, but for photographers.

    2. I don’t know if you ever work with the AP Leafdesk. AP (BTW you can’t spell cheap without AP 😉 ) had a special computer system for papers to receive photos from a satellite feed and send them on said feed. It also allowed you to do basic photo editing. What was ironic was in order to use the cloning function of the software you needed two password keys one from the city desk editor the other from the photo editor. All it was missing was two nuclear launch keys.

      The irony was that with in 2 months of getting this computer we got a Mac with photoshop. I think it has always been a concern, and with the web the world has shrunk so hiding it has become much more difficult if not nearly impossible.

      At one paper I worked at we had an editor get caught plagiarizing political editorials, what tripped him up was the web.

  8. Hey Frederick, just wondering where are the links to the pick of the week. Are they not being posted for some reason or am I just getting too old for this 😉

    1. Picks are there next to the links for the top stories. Just click on that to bring up the tab with the Picks of the Week.

  9. Just a thought that crossed my mind while listening to the podcast:

    It seems that in their search for smaller cameras professionals and advanced amateurs overlook the potential of entry-level DSLRs. They are small, very affordable, perform well in low light, have APS-C sensors… why is it that no one seems to even consider them as an option? The fact that they are “entry-level” doesn’t mean that a pro couldn’t use them. DLSR doesn’t always mean bulky and heavy, and no one says that you have to carry around all of your lenses all the time.

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