TWiP 324 – From Dream to Reality


Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Don Komarechka, Matt Granger, Alex Lindsay

This week on TWiP…

  • Alex Lindsay returns to talk about Google Glass
  • Flickr updates its' iOS app & Facebook adds shared photo albums
  • Sony annouces the QX10 and QX100 ‘Camera Lens' cameras
  • Samsung's Galaxy NX camera goes Android
  • And an interview with New York photographer Vivienne Gucwa

This week Frederick sits down with photographer Vivienne Gucaw to discuss the joys of photographing New York city with her Sony Alpha 99. You can learn more about Vivienne and her work by visiting her website at

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Pre-production by: Bruce Clarke

Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn & Vince Bauer

Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly

Intro Music by: Scott Cannizzaro

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  1. Re social media: I’m glad you’re posting same content across social sites, because you are right, every site has a different audience. Personally, I got tired of Facebook quickly for several reasons, but mainly because their constant format changes were terribly annoying. So I may be forced for one reason or another to look at facebook once a month, otherwise I never interact there. I’ve enjoyed both Google + and Tumblr.

  2. By far the worst episode ever. Bad because the only voice heard was Lindsay’s. Google Google Google. His approach to photography is so unsexy. He scan the locations with lasers then render a 3d version in the computer and virtually set up the lights…using an awesome Google software. Whilst wearing his Google glasses. Oh and he always shoots in manual. ..

  3. Maybe I am a prude, or “old school”, but the very idea if Google Glass totally creeps me out. And, being Google, you know they are going to try every way imaginable to be invasive into my personal visual information. I can just see people wearing these into bathrooms, private places, etc. It’s not good.

  4. I’m glad to hear some love for Sony, I’ve had to shoot with one of their smaller ones once and it did perfectly fine and was fun to use.
    The NEX cameras feel a bit odd though, with anything but a pancake they feel very front heavy. Pentax once had the K-01, which had their DSLR lens mount and thus a big, empty “mirrorbox”. Had the idea caught on they could have designed lenses specially for these cameras, so basically you have a big body with proper grip and decent balance, yet the overall package would have been comparable to a NEX camera. Though admittedly you wouldn’t be able to fit every single lens ever made on it, which is a huge plus point for mFT and the NEX series.
    That being said… any love for Pentax? Ever shot with one? I love my Pentax to death, and the K-5 series is pretty competitive (you get a D7*00, without the weight and bulk but more robust, a pretty good image stabilizer is integrated (works with all lenses) that works with video too and turns every lens into a (mild) shift lens, and I think it is a decent improvement over Canikon in terms of user interface and buttons). Pentax has some very nice lenses, especially if you love to shoot primes.
    In terms of value for money I think it is also pretty hard to beat the K-30/K-50/K-500.

  5. Like others, I was happy to hear a Sony shooter on the show. I think Vivienne’s work speaks for itself and probably the best representation that sony hardware is not a limitation. Honestly, I think the focus could be more on her work and NYC shots, and less as a rep for the sony lineup. There’s a lot more that wasn’t mentioned that sony has going for it…everyone can find that online but I’d point to: SLT for PDAF in liveview and high frame rates, Ziess glass, and APS-C sized sensors in small format on NEX as some of the key offerings. Nice work!

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