TWiP #303 – Adobe Releases the Lightroom 5 Beta


Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Ron Brinkmann, Valerie Jardin

Episode Overview

This week on TWiP, we're diving into several great stories including:

  • Adobe releases Lightroom 5 Beta
  • Photographer tracks down thief trying to sell his gear on Craigslist
  • Dove Canada Uses Photoshop Trojan Horse to Shame Potential Body-Shamers
  • Critique of the Week, Listener Q&A, and Picks of the Week

Ron Brinkmann and Valerie Jardin join Frederick to discuss these topics and more on this week's episode of TWiP.

Submit your photographs for “Critique of the Week”

Here is the thumbnail of the image critiqued in this episode. Our image this week comes from Andres Trujillo and it's titled Tidal Basin. Click to link to larger images, and be sure to join the conversation and add in your comments about the photograph.

Be a part of This Week in Photo's newest segment. Post your best photo on the Google+ TWiP Community page and have the chance to be critiqued by the TWiP panel on an upcoming episode. Good luck!

Connected Data Transporter Giveaway Winner

After the rabid success of our last Transporter giveaway, the generous folks over at Connected Data have allowed us to hand out another device to one lucky winner.

Being a new company, they're trying to get the word out about how cool this little device is, and how it can help people easily manage their data. The winner of our most recent contest was Heather DeToma!

Don't worry if you didn't win this time around. You can still get your hands on one of these devices by heading over to the Connected Data website and use the coupon code ‘TWIP4” to get 10% off your transporter.

Please Support our Sponsors:

This episode is also brought to you by: Squarespace, the all­-in-­one platform that makes it fast and easy to create a professional website, blog, portfolio, and now…an online store! Check out their NEW commerce solution so you can start selling stuff immediately. For a free trial and 10% off your first purchase on new accounts, go to, and use offer code TWIP4.

Connect with Our Hosts & Guests:

Ron Brinkmann: or or Twitter or Google+

Valerie Jardin: or Twitter or Google+

Frederick Van or or Google+


Pre-production by: Bruce Clarke

Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn & Vince Bauer

Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly

Intro Music by: Scott Cannizzaro

Photo Credits: Adobe


    1. True Richard, but keep in mind that this Iceland trip is not a photography trip or a workshop. It’s part of our family vacation… I’m always up for a challenge anyway! 😉

    2. Scott Bourne was just trying to convince me that the Olympus OMD E-M5 is the way to go. There are just TOO many choices!

    3. If you want to mess around with changes lenses like you do with your DSLR, it’s a great camera!

  1. Great podcast. I always enjoy the show when Ron or Valérie are on.

    I have been thinking about the “photoshop trojan horse” thing. It seems to me that a photographer working in photoshop who knows what he’s doing would normally have the history set to 30 or so states. So unless the plugin is actually deleting your history, it should at worst be a nuisance. Also, shouldn’t we all be saving our work at every stage, anyway?

    That said, the Dove “real beauty” campaign is brilliant not just for its cleverness but also because it feels honest and forthright, and promotes those as well – the sketch artist video is a good example of that. So even if the plug-in really is as benign as I suspect, it still goes against the tone and appeal of the campaign by being sneaky and just a little nasty. So… while I don’t think it likely that any photogs are going to be suing Dove for ruining a day’s work, I do think that this is beneath the high tone of their campaign. That makes it disappointing. And maybe that’s worse. I don’t know.

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Great podcast long running. Thank you for putting this fun and informative podcast together each week. I like the idea of the Critique of the Week. For those of us that still do the audio podcast, any chance of doing an enhanced podcast with embedded images so we “audio onlys” can see the image being critiqued? Many thanks.

  3. Does anyone notice that the audio-only podcast (either played here or via a device) “ticks” periodically – every few minutes? I thought it was my audio player or Bluetooth device. But it does it here in the player. It starts within the first few minutes of this episode. It was also really bad in the “Fro Knows” one.

  4. I had to upgrade my OS from Vista to Windows 8, because the beta ran on Vista, the final version does not. Who says digital photography is “free”?

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