TWiP #302 – Just Say Cheese


Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Darlene Hildebrandt, Sara France and Martin Bailey

Episode Overview

This week on TWiP, we're diving into several great stories including:

  • Sears and Walmart shut down their portrait studios
  • New app sells your Facebook photos without your permission
  • Just how far will you go to get the shot?
  • and an interview with Varina and Jay Patel

Darlene Hildebrandt, Sara France and Martin Bailey join Frederick to discuss these topics and much much more on this week's 302nd episode of TWiP.

(Frederick's first headshot – taken by Olan Mills – just a “few” years ago.)


Interview with Varina and Jay Patel

This week, Frederick sits down with husband and wife photography team Varina and Jay Patel for an informative and heartwarming discussion about how to get that great landscape shot. To learn more about Varina and Jay, check out their websites at and


Submit your photographs for “Critique of the Week”

Here are thumbnails of the images critiqued in this episode. The first photograph was made by Kevin Brown, and the second by Swen Halverson. Click to link to larger images, and be sure to join the conversation and add in your comments about the photographs.

Be a part of This Week in Photo's newest segment. Post your best photo on the Google+ TWiP Community page and have the chance to be critiqued by the TWiP panel on an upcoming episode. Good luck!

Please Support our Sponsors:

This episode is brought to you by  Find over 20 million stock photos, vectors, illustrations, and video clips. If you are looking for images for your website or blog, print ad, trade show swag or even apps, Shutterstock is the way to go. Over 10,000 new images are added each day.  For 30% off your new account, go to and use offer code TWiP4.

Connect with Our Hosts & Guests:

Darlene Hildebrandt: PortfolioTwitterGoogle+

Sara France: portfolio, twitter, google+

Martin Bailey: portfolio, twitter, google+

Frederick Van or or Google+


Pre-production by: Patrick Reed

Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn

Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly

Intro Music by Scott Cannizzaro

Photo Credits: Shutterstock

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  1. Good on you for apologizing for last week’s debacle. Looking forward to the rest of the show.

  2. I’ve listened to THREE HUNDRED EPISODES of this show. I’m your ideal fan.

    I waited to hear your response to the backlash from the last episode before unsubscribing, but I was dissatisfied with Frederick’s “I guess I should have warned you before an hour-long profane and childish rant.”

  3. A listener returns! I am very satisfied with Frederick’s professional apology for the aspects of show #301 that drew the ire of many listeners. No hedging, no blaming others, no excuses. A straight-up, take-it-on-the-chin “Sorry” that covered all of the pertinent facts in a clear and concise way, and a promise to keep the show up to the anticipated standards in the future. Frederick and the TWiP crew have regained my respect for doing this apology the right way; it’s an approach many politicians and businesses would do well to emulate.

    Oh, and to avoid anyone misquoting the apology, here’s a word-for-word transcription of what Frederick’s said, for you to interpret for yourself:
    “…and before we jump in to this week’s show, aah, just a quick public-service announcement, if you will. I’d like to apologise for the profanity and the somewhat sophomoric behaviour that was present in last week’s show, episode number 301. Basically we should have begun the show with an explicit content warning flag, or otherwise we should have given you a heads up. Basically over the years, we’ve built a strong brand in TWiP and allowing that type of language and behaviour on the show was just not the right thing to do. And you should know that though TWiP has always been a work in progress, we will continue working to keep the quality at a level that you’ve become accustomed to. So, that’s it, that’s all I’m going to say about that…”

    I think it was pretty clear…

  4. In the section about getting the image you mentioned nat geo photographers and what they do for the image.

    This brought this link to my mind:

  5. I’m good with the apology. I love Alex, Nicolesy, Steve, Martin, Sara, and the regulars of the past couple of years (even our favorite curmudgeon, Ron Brinkmann :)), but Jared and any others who share his current approach to commentary will have to step up their game before they should share the panel with these fine photogs.

  6. I agree there should have been a disclaimer at the start of the show. However, I enjoy Jared Polin’s work and his podcast RAW Talk. Jared is more professional on his podcast. I hope Jared joins TWIP again.

  7. Well done Frederick!! Apology regarding the show 301 debacle. Straight to the point and no excuses…professionalism is back in “TWIP-land”…(just dont do it again!) Here’s to the next 301 TWIPs…

  8. I enjoy Jared Polin a lot. He is more professional on RAW TALK, but I hope he joins TWIP again. He has helped a lot of people with their photography and has so much to offer TWIP. I really, really hope he will co-host TWIP again.

  9. Sure he crossed the line.But we are not prudes and possibly a warning should have been placed.But did Fredrick not announce that this could be the best show ever”just sayin”.Still a fan of Fredrick and the podcast since the first episode .

  10. Apology accepted, but entirely unnecessary. Please don’t be afraid of shaking things up. The new format with critiques and interviews at the end makes the show flow much better. Thanks.

  11. Granted, 301 was a little rougher around the edges. However, it also further demonstrates how talented a host Fred is as he maintained direction in a live show with an unorthodox guest. It seemed Jared was excited to be a guest, to share his brand, and unique point of view. He got carried away at times, but I don’t wish to squelch his passion just because he brings attitude. I walk away from every episode feeling a bit wiser, and a bit more driven. In that regard, this episode wasn’t any different from the others. I would like Fro back on the podcast. Now I know how it’ll be, and I’m ready to listen.

    1. I totally agree with this view, as a listener to the show from episode 1, back in the days when every show used to end on at least twenty minutes of chaos and banter. I must say I really had fun listening to Fro and it got me to listen to his shows. But to have this every week… perhaps not. Though I would like to hear him back on the show. The apology by Frederick was very professional and to the point. I saw it coming since listening to the show with Fro. Was it necessary? I think yes. When many people in your public seem offended you should always address the issue and then move on. Best podcast show around for weekly listening and I know for a fact that many of my Belgian compatriots use it to keep up with what is going on in Photoland. Keep it up, you’re doing a fantastic job!

  12. I thought the Fro guy sounded just like myself and my other photographer friends when we have our get togethers drink a little wine and talk shop. I am curious at what percentage of listeners actually complained.

  13. Hi – I am a longtime listener. The apology for last week’s episode with Jared seemed unnecessary but professional.

    My concern is with the new format of the show. Placing the interviews at the end is a good idea. However, the image critiques really do not belong in the AUDIO version of the podcast and should be removed. I listen to the podcast while driving, and the image critiques make no sense without the actual image embedded in the iTunes audio podcast. They only make me feel I am missing something.

    I suggest you keep the image critiques in the video version, but remove them from the audio version and just mention that people can see them on the website.

    1. I agree with the image critiques. Might be useful if you’re watching video feed, not so much with the audio version.

  14. I wasn’t particularly offended, though I did enjoy last week’s TWIP somewhat less than usual. No apology necessary for me, but it was a bit of a mess! 🙂 Still my favourite podcast.

  15. A warning should have been placed… but that is as far as I will go with that, I may not have enjoyed Jared’s persona, but I did chuckle with some of his jokes. I am an adult, my feelings were not hurt by it, and I demand nothing from a show that runs FOR FREE (or at least, doesn’t charge me for the content). I am more disgusted by Frederick’s, PC, apology than by Fro’s comments.

  16. I’ve followed Fro for as long as I’ve followed Frederick. They are simply two different styles and I have learned much from both. I enjoy both and I hope Fro returns to TWIP.

    BTW Frederick, I love the Olan Mills photo. Did you get permission to use it?! lol

  17. I loved last week show, learned a lot. It was more a photography show than a meme show, a business show, a show to sell photographer and not the art!

  18. I can’t believe its over 300 episodes. Well done! Hey, I would like to suggest less politics and more photography how-to discussions. I want tips on how to get the most from my canon camera. I would love to hear more stuff like that.

  19. Sad to say, after listening to the abysmal #301 episode, I decided that my long-standing relationship with TWIP would come to an end. Then I read the summary of #302 and saw that there was an apology for #301. That induced me to listen to one more episode.

    Sad to say, #302 did not have the apology that I was expecting. Yes, I also found Fro to be sophomoric and distracting, but I had thought that you would actually be apologizing for the much more substantive problems: it seems that in almost every episode now you initiate a discussion on one or another aspect of photography legalities or intellectual property law. And then you and every guest on the show engage in a level of discourse and understanding on the law that is rarely any better than you can get from any arbitrary collection of folks in the neighborhood beer joint. You Frederick, in particular have no excuse: you’ve hosted and interviewed IP lawyers and non-lawyer experts on your show who have laid out solid facts of IP law. But you have absorbed NOTHING of what they have said and proceed to make misstatements and throw around touchy-feely opinions as if that was how IP law worked.

    You would never listen to a podcast of IP lawyers discussing the most useful portraiture techniques. Because IP lawyers don’t know anything about the subject. Yet you are willing to lead equally misleading discussions on topics that you and your guests really don’t know anything.

    Here are some suggestions:

    1. NEVER discuss the legal aspects of photography or IP on your show UNLESS you also have a guest on your show actually IS an expert in the subject, and who preferably is an actual lawyer. Also, when evaluating that expertise, keep in mind that just because a photographer is a professional who occasionally has to procure a model release, does not make them a legal expert any more than a lawyer who happens to have an expensive camera is a photography expert.

    2. Actually procure the services of an IP lawyer to tutor you on IP law and then test you on your knowledge. Pay for those services if you have to. Until you can pass a test from an IP lawyer, please don’t expand on what the law is, what the law should be, or how the law works on your show.

    Sadly, I’m not optimistic about the future of this podcast and it’s deteriorating quality, so I don’t expect to listen to it any more. I do find that the image critiques are a much more sensible addition to your show and I listen to them even though I can’t usually see the image until later. I’m not willing to listen to a podcast that sometimes goes as long as two hours just for those small portions.

  20. Another great episode. Good work to the panel. Transporters would be awesome.

  21. I find it amusing that in the 21st century people still get offended by a few cuss words. Jared Polin is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but who is? As the well known saying goes, “You can’t please all of the people, all of the time”. Personally, I thought the show was really funny and entertaining.

    I’d also like to remind the dissenters that TWIP is free, and they have no right to demand anything of it. Anyone unsubscribing after listening to one show that wasn’t to their liking is rather childish in my view.

  22. Have listened to TWIP since TWIP 1. I’m over 60 and found Frederick’s apology for FroKnows unnecessary. I thoroughly enjoyed his presence on both casts. He was exciting and opinionated. He added a fun dynamic. I can appreciate some folks did like use of some words, but Jared did ask where his boundaries were and received permission. I subscribed to Jared’s podcast and his recent episode suggested he might not be back to TWIP. This would be unfortunate and a mistake. Otherwise, keep up the great work.

    1. I didn’t feel an apology was required either, tho he was much more vulgar than he usually is in his podcast. I am however a brand new listener to this podcast (I came over from Raw Talk when Jarod mentioned being on TWIP).

  23. Thanks for the apology and the decision not to continue in that direction. I teach 16 year olds and it’s great to be able to recommend your podcast to them. I do like Jared Polin, he has a lot to share, I just wish it were friendly for the kids in high school photography club.

  24. Apologies for what dude?!? Please give me back the 80’s… people nowadays are so sensitive… and this politically correctness is a pain in the a… ooops!

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