TWiP #258 – Grand Theft Photo


Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Sara France, Martin Bailey, and Steve Simon

Episode Overview

This was a marathon show! Be sure snuggle up somewhere cozy before you press play. We tackle a LOT of topics this week. Along with a news round-up, we discuss the issue of image theft. And there's a great interview with Jeff Dunas of the Palm Springs Photo Festival.

Also, we revert back to recording the show using Skype due to some audio concerns with the audio. If we can get the audio out of G+ to match what our audience has become accustomed to, we will go back.

This week:

  • Canon getting set to announce the Rebel T4i
  • GoPro Goes Wireless
  • Nikon files patent for sharper in-camera panning feature
  • Why are photographers stealing from each other
  • Plus Frederick sits down to chat about the Palm Springs Photo Festival with Jeff Dunas.

Sara France, Martin Bailey, and Steve Simon join Frederick Van Johnson to discuss these topics and more on this week's episode of TWiP.

We record TWiP every Wednesday at 6pm Pacific, so be sure to circle Frederick on Google+ to catch the show. *Note that this week's show was recorded as an audio only show while we work out some things on the technical end to improve the audio quality of the recordings via Google Hangouts.

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Connect with Our Hosts & Guests:

Jeff Dunas: or

Sara France: or Twitter or Google+

Martin Bailey: or Twitter or Google+

Steve Simon: or Twitter or Google+  or

Frederick Van Johnson: or or Google+


Pre-production by: Bruce Clarke
Post production by: Suzanne Llewellyn
Bandwidth provided by: Cachefly
Intro Music by Scott Cannizzaro
Photo Credit: abardwell

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  1. Just to let you know, it sounds like the sound issues are still there so it might not be Google+. It was very choppy for me. 

    1.  I agree. Especially Fredericks voice sounds a bit distorted and flangy in the podcast recording. Otherwise: great.

  2. A little annoying to hear Steve propagate the two common myths about London – that it is not photo friendly and that everywhere is covered by CCTV – but surprisingly pleased to hear Fred at least question the former.

    There used to be a photography project web site here in London where each week a street was picked for people to photograph.  Sadly it is closed down now, but the streets chosen, though mostly being centrally located, were often away from tourist areas.  Sometimes they were residential, some were back alleys.

    In the several years I took part, visiting around 50 locations per year with my Canon DSLR, I was stopped by the police four times.  One of those was because the Church of Scientology called them to complain about me being near on of their sites.  Another was because without thinking I was shooting the entrance to MI5!  On both occasions they checked my details and allowed me to continue.  On no occasion was I actually prevented from shooting, although the support officers who stopped me near London Bridge railway station were somewhat unfriendly.  On a couple of other occasions I was told to move by private security guards when on private property.

    There is a big difference between being stopped just to check what you are doing, which is annoying, and being stopped and being told you cannot take photographs.  I have a couple more experiences of the former, but never experienced the latter in a public place.  I would be highly surprised if there was any major western city in which my experience was not typical at best.

    As to the CCTV claim, the often cited statistic of ’14 people to every security camera’ has long been shown to be unreliable – It was based on 41% of business in two London shopping streets have camera, so assuming the same percentage applied to all London businesses, adding a guess for the number of public cameras, then assumed this sample represented the entire country.  Subsequent research suggest the reality to several times smaller than that claim.

    There is also the erroneous belief that the statistics on CCTV cameras only apply to public places.  Even the flawed survey above included those in office blocks.  Part of the reason why these myths persist is that there is no actual record of how many cameras are used as the majority are privately operated, inside shops and offices or covering car parks etc.  Many, probably almost all in the case of small business like local shops, do not keep their footage but record over it, if saved at all.  And many cameras are not monitored.  The idea of people watching your every move when you go out in public, or of records being kept to retrace your steps, is a complete fantasy.

    I hope Fred enjoys his time here and has the same mostly trouble-free time as I do.

  3. Love the show …. but ( here it comes)…….Sara seems to have the guys saying ” like” way to much. “Like” stop it please. You guys are all fully grown photogs and don’t need to be speaking as though you are valley girls. Otherwise keep photo faith and fun alive.

  4. Just a thought on the olympic thing….. Its like the NFL or MLB… But the way around it is to bring the $429 Coolpix P5100…with a 24-1000mm equivalent Zoom. Take that Organized sports. 

  5. I don’t know if it’s just me but on the mobile version of this site has some code that shows? Like this: the recordings via Google Hangouts.


    [tabs style="default"]

    [tab title="Top Stories"]

    1. Canon set to announce the Rebel T4i

    2. GoPro Goes Wireless

    3. Nikon files patent for sharper in-camera panning images

    4. Olympics Committee clarifies policy for photography at London games

    5. Social Media Smacks Down Photographer for Stealing Another Photographer’s Work


    [tab title="Picks of the Week"]

  6. To clarify my stacked filter question – the issue was using a polarizer and an ND grad at the same time to photograph moving water and kill the reflections. I solved the problem by moving to the Z-Pro size filters. As far as split ND grad – I am still old school wanting to get it right in the camera.

  7. Thank you so much to go back to audio only! The quality is way mucho better!

  8. I’ve just listened to this episode and completely agree with Michael’s comments hereabout the mis-placed and wrong comments about the legality of taking photographs in London.  If you want to debate the legality of photography around the world, get experts in from those countries, rather than speak from a position of ignorance.  

    There is a company in London (Hairy Goat – that do photography instructional and tourist walks around London that I have used in the past (and thoroughly recommend). One of their instructors and tour guides recently wrote a 1-2 page note on what you can and can’t photograph in England.  Unfortunately it is not on their website, but maybe you should try and get her on the show for an interview?  Or Fred could take one of their tours and find out the reality of being a photographer in London when he visits soon.

    To try and summarise the note, you can take photographs if you are in a public place; if you are in private property that is a different matter. The police are in their rights to ask you what you are doing but that will only happen if you are acting suspiciously; they can’t ask you to delete photographs.  

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