Diving Into Luminar AI!

with Nicole S. Young

This week I'm joined by photographer, educator, and author Nicole S. Young. In this interview, we dive into Nicole's post-processing workflow and learn how she integrates Lightroom, Photoshop, and LuminarAI.

We also discuss her brand new Luminar AI course, “The Complete Video Guide to Luminar AI!

About Nicole S. Young, in her own words…

Hi! My name is Nicole S. Young, a.k.a. “Nicolesy”. I’m a full-time photographer and author and I thrive on inspiring and encouraging photographers to improve their craft and grow as artists.

I love to teach, learn and share what I know through my blog, articles, videos, interviews, and training materials. I have an online store, where I create post-processing tools, such as preset, actions, and textures, along with some of my own self-published eBooks.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Linda,
    I was about to buy your Luminar course when I received an email from Skylum with an update to Luminar AI Vsn 3.
    Is your course based on Vsn 2 or Vsn 3 screens? I’m not sure how different the vsns are but do not want to buy a course which doesn’t totally relate to my software version.
    Hope you can answer this query of mine as your course sounds great.

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