Understanding Copyright with Jack Reznicki

[smart_track_player url=”http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinphoto/p/content.blubrry.com/thisweekinphoto/TWiP_Jack_Reznicki.mp3″ color=”6a1915″ title=”Understanding Copyright with Jack Reznicki” artist=”TWiP Talks” ]

Born in Israel, the son of concentration camp survivors, Jack moved to the US when he was four years old and grew up in Rochester, NY. With a newly minted BFA cum laude degree in photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and after assisting some of the top photographers in New York, Jack opened his studio in 1980 and has become a well-known and respected commercial photographer.

Based in New York City, his creative problem solving has helped promote products and services for many companies such as Toys “R” Us, Tylenol, AstraZeneca, The Wall Street Journal, Hyatt, Kodak, Reader’s Digest, Crest, AT&T, Playtex, and several Time Magazine covers.

Jack is the author of several books on commercial photography including “Photographer’s Survival Guide”, which deals with copyright and legal issues for photographers. “Studio and Commercial Photography- A Kodak Pro Workshop” book and other books.

Jack Reznicki’s Website

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