TWiP 431 – Drones – For Fun and Profit

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TWiP 431 – Drones – For Fun and Profit

The drone, (or UAV) industry is HOT and continues to heat up. One unexpected way the space is evolving is in respect to the cameras used on these amazing tools. In the beginning, all of this drone stuff was relegated to the propeller ­heads that had the smarts to figure out how to attach gimbals, weight balance, and calibrate cameras, etc..

Today, companies like DJI are selling drones that can literally fly circles around even last years models… right out of the box. No erector set required. What’s even more fascinating are the cameras that are attached to these devices. Again, in the beginning the cameras you’d find on most drones were likely GoPro’s. However, DJI soon wised up and began shipping models with their OWN cameras attached.

And now DJI have upped the ante by introducing a camera model with a high­ resolution micro­ four thirds sensor that records in 4K, AND with interchangeable lenses!

But GoPro isn’t sitting by idly, as DJI moves to capture the flying camera space. As GoPro CEO Nick Goodman recently revealed — GoPro is making moves to develop its own DRONES. This is gonna get GOOD. And the beneficiaries of all of this innovation and competition are… US… the consumers.

Joining me this week to discuss the latest battle in the ongoing drone wars are Nicole S. Young (aka Nicolesy) from, and Lee Herbet from

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