TWiP #233 – Vincent LaForet on Shooting DSLR Video
This week on TWiP…
We've got a very special holiday episode for you. It's an interview with DSLR video pioneer Vincent LaForet!
Vincent hasn't been on TWiP in a few years, and the last time we had him on was at the beginning of the DSLR video revolution.
He was one of the first photographers that showed DSLR video could be used to shoot commercial projects with cinematic results-for a fraction of the cost.
Back in 2008 he shot and produced this industry mindset-changing video known as Reverie… a project that showed the caliber of work that could be produced with just a Canon 5D MKII.
In this chat Vincent and Frederick discuss the “then and now.” They chat about how the industry has changed, and what might be coming next. Vincent gives plenty of tips on how “regular folk” can get started shooting professional-looking video without taking out a second mortgage.
Vincent LaForet – or
Frederick Van Johnson – or or Google Plus
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Producers: Suzanne Llewelyn
Bandwidth provided by Cachefly
Intro Music by Scott Cannizzaro
Photo Credit: Ludovic Hirlimann