Shooting in Haunted Castles

A talk with Sacramento-based fashion and commercial photographer Tim Engle

Ever wanted to shoot inside a haunted castle?

IMG_1266This weeks guest does it routinely. A few weeks ago commercial and fashion photographer Tim Engle invited me to join him at the Preston Castle in Ione, CA for a fashion shoot. The castle is known as one of the most haunted places in California. The site is a former home for wayward boys, and apparently at least one gruesome murder occurred on the premises. It’s the perfect location, and set, for all kinds of photography.
Tim specializes in fashion, and the day we met he brought along a full crew, including make-up artists, stylists, and of course models. Tim is what I call a “Macguyver” photographer — he creates amazing images with every day (affordable) equipment. In fact this day he was using flash lights and Home Depot daylight balanced flourecents to light some amazing portraits.

In this interview we talk about his involvement with Preston Castle, his approach to photography, and much more.

Behind the Scenes video

by Joe Gonzales

Get in touch with Tim…

Tim's website: EnglePhoto
Tim on Instagram
Tim on Facebook

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