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In this interview I discuss a wonderful training resource for photographers called Masters of Photography. The site's founder, Chris Ryan joins to discuss the inception of the site as well as a few useful tips on how photographers can up their game.
©Masters of Photography
©Masters of Photography
©Masters of Photography
selfp©Masters of Photography
CAPTION©Masters of Photogra©Masters of Photography: Fishermen at Weligama. Sri Lanka, 1995.MAX PRINT SIZE: 60X80SRILANKA-10006IG: I took this image of men fishing in Weligama off the South coast of Sri Lanka.10/06/2016IG OLD: This is one of the images currently featured in my exhibition at Patricia Conde Galería (@patriciacondegaleria) in Mexico. The exhibition runs until September 3rd, I hope you can visit if you're in the area.I took this image of men fishing in Weligama off the South coast of Sri Lanka.08/13/2015″Fishermen along the southern coast of Sri Lanka cast their lines in the traditional way atop poles so they can work in shallow water without disturbing the fish.” – George Eastman HouseLike outlandish herons, a flock of men clad in traditional saram fish the south coast from wooden perchs. Not long ago their island nation was poised to join Asia's economic dragons, but 13 years of strife have cramped development and kept many Sri Lankans working the land and sea like their ancestors. Vol. 191 No. 101/1997 National Geographic Magazine. Vol. 191, No. 1, pgs. 110-111, January 1997, Sri Lanka: A Continuing Ethnic War Tarnishes the Pearl of the Indian Ocean.NN11429210, MCS1995006K10006book_Iconicfinal print_MACROfinal print_Sao Paulo final print_Birminghamfinal print_HERMITAGEfinal print_Zurichfinal print_Ankarafinal print_UticaFine Art Printretouched_Sonny Fabbri 3/4/2015
©Masters of Photography
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