Stuck in Customs – A State of the Union

The Inherent Catharsis of Photography.

Updates on projects within Trey's gravitational influence.

Intrepid globe-trotting photographer Trey Ratcliff updates us on what he has been up to over the last several months. As it turns out, quite a lot! Trey has been collaborating with the Plotagraph team on making software to add motion to still photographs. He's also in cahoots with MacPhun, refining and defining the next generation of HDR processing software. Trey also gives us a sneak peek at how he uses Plotagraph to add motion to his images.

About Aurora HDR 2017 / 2018

Aurora HDR 2017/2018 was designed from the ground up to be a powerful and easy way to create amazing looking HDR photographs. As Trey mentions in the interview, though using Photoshop is an option for creating these types of images – software like Aurora was single-mindedly designed from the ground up to create impossibly beautiful high dynamic range (HDR) photographs. Trey is an authority on the HDR art form, and was one of the key forces behind bringing this popular technique to the forefront of mainstream photography. Trey took his knowledge, frustrations, wants and desires over to the MacPhun team and collaborated with them to create what Trey feels is a “best of” tool for photographers wanting to create professional HDR images.

Click here for more info on Aurora HDR 2018.

About Plotagraph

“…Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. —Arthur C. Clark

This quote is particularly appropriate when you see a Plotagraph image. The magic of this software is that it can generate realistic looking video and moving images from a simple still photograph. When you think about it, this capability opens up a bazillion possibilities for artists and storytellers. And because the images seamlessly loop forever — they're completely mesmerizing when you look at them. This inherent uniqueness exponentially increases the time a viewer spends admiring your image.

Click here for more info on Plotagraph.

Created with Plotagraph

See a bazillion more of Trey's Plotagraphs here.

Created with Aurora HDR

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Copyright Trey Ratcliff
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About Trey Ratcliff

Born on 7th July 1971, Trey Ratcliff is a writer, public speaker, artist and photographer. He blogs about travelling on Stuck In Customs and posts photographs there regularly. Ratcliff’s work has been shown on ABC, CBS, FOX, BBC, and NBC.

Stuck in Customs:
Stuck in Customs Store:
Trey's work on Plotagraph:!/profile/treyratcliff

Get Aurora HDR:
Get Plotagraph:

Trey's European Photo-Walk Highlights

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