Street Photography, in New York City
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In this episode, I speak with veteran street photographer Gerard Exupery. Gerard has been photographing the story of New York City for several decades and has a very unique perspective on “The Big Apple”. We discuss the art of photographing strangers in a city like NYC and how he does it, safely.About Gerard:

Gerard Exupery has been a New York City Street Photographer for 40 years. He fell in love with photography when his father helped him take his first picture with a Rolleiflex at age eight. From then until now, it is the only thing Exupery has ever wanted to do Growing up, he worked for his local and high school newspapers doing sports photography. In 1973 a friend’s mother showed him a copy of the catalog from the Diane Arbus exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, and it changed his life. Exupery attended the School of Visual Arts and studied with Lisette Model at The New School.
SUBWAY New York City 1975-1985
This was his first book produced in 2019. In the introduction, New York photographer Mark McQueen said of Exupery: “Gerard Exupery is one of those people who always has something to say. He has an uncanny talent for prying poetry out of the banalest of topics, inspiring you to look at them anew. This talent is even more evident in the visual realm. He has always managed to distill the chaos of life in New York down to concise, sometimes profound, but always original reflections on the human condition.”

Women Hold Up Half the Sky: Images and Stories of New York Women 1975-2020
On January 26th, 2021, Exupery launched an Indiegogo Campaign for his new book, “Women Hold Up Half the Sky: Images and Stories of New York Women 1975-2020.”
Support the Indiegogo campaign here:

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