Igniting Your Rocket Photography

with Erik Kuna

In this interview I sit down with rocket photographer Erik Kuna. We discuss the ins and outs of shooting rockets, compositing multiple exposures, and the importance of mission planning for successful time-constrained projects. Erik is doing important and historic work by documenting the reinvigorated space race, using high tech tools to document our baby steps towards the colonization of Mars.

About Erik

Erik Kuna is the Vice President of Operations for KelbyOne, (kelbyone.com) an educational training company driven by a passion to provide incredible training to their members while making it affordable to everyone. Over the last fifteen years, he has been leading teams of people to bring award-winning training to the world. From producing industry-leading training conferences, workshops, seminars, classes, books, magazines, apps, videos, blogs, websites, and webcasts as well as entire online e-learning libraries filled with thousands of videos, he’s been involved in all aspects of training.

He’s also worked with partners such as Adobe, Google, Canon, B&H Photo and more to produce training videos and events to help their customers and clients unlock their full potential via education. Driven by a passion for Photography, when Erik isn’t producing training he can be found around NASA photographing Rocket Launches for SpaceX, ULA, Orbital ATK, and other launch providers. Covering launches for multiple new agencies and media outlets, Erik sets out to capture the beauty and inspiration of rocket launches and space exploration to share with the world and inspire a new generation of innovators.

Connect with Erik:



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