Exposing for the Shadows of Arlington National Cemetery – Section 27

featuring Michael A. McCoy

In this interview, Washington D.C. based photojournalist Michael A. McCoy discusses his work in raising awareness around Section 27 at Arlington National Cemetery. Section 27 is an often overlooked area of the famous cemetery where even in death African Americans were segregated. Michael's work is intended to shine a light on the section and also draw attention to some of the reasons why tours and other passers-by tend to overlook the section entirely.

Michael McCoy

5,000 African American soldiers and civilians have found their final resting place at Arlington National Cemetery. But their stories remain largely untold, and their existence feels almost like a secret.

“I have made it my job as a photographer to give a voice to the voiceless,” Michael McCoy boldly states. Michael is an African American Veteran and documentary photographer. He knows first hand what it means to sacrifice for your country. Because of this, he's focusing his work on those that fell and paved the way for future generations. Not least, those whose selfless and brave contribution seems to be living deep in the shadows.

This interview is part of a collaboration between Fujifilm, The Phoblographer and This Week in Photo called Visual Momentum. For the companion written article, head over to ThePhoblographer.com.

Connect with Michael at: https://michaelamccoyphotography.com

Section 27

Memorial Day


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